While most are effective, they can cause side effects because of the chemicals they contain. If you want to have whiter skin without worrying about the potential harm you could get, the natural solution is always better. This is where aloe vera enters the picture.
The first thing you probably think about aloe vera is its soothing effect on the skin. Aloe vera can moisturize the skin, so you get rid of dry areas naturally. This plant has great amounts of antioxidants, making it one of the best skin lighteners from nature.
How to Use Aloe Vera to Whiten Skin
The good news is there are a lot of ways to use the aloe vera plant to lighten your skin tone. Here are some of them:
1. With Sugar
Sugar scrubs are prevalent in beauty stores nowadays. These products exfoliate your old, dark skin to reveal that beautiful glow. However, they normally contain chemicals, which can cause skin problems in the future. Instead of using them, create your own sugar scrub by mixing two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and brown sugar. Apply it on the desired area and rinse just like you would with sugar scrubs.
2. With Milk
Aloe vera, along with milk, is an effective way to have lighter skin. Simply mix aloe vera with milk cream and then apply it on your skin.
3. With Milk and Honey
Incorporate honey with milk and aloe vera to have whiter skin that is deeply hydrated. Apply the mixed ingredients in equal amounts on your skin and leave it for some time before rinsing.
4. With Papaya
Papaya is the star of many skin whitening products nowadays because of its efficacy and exfoliating properties. However, those products can contain harmful chemicals so use this natural solution instead.Mix papaya with aloe vera gel and use as a mask. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse. You can achieve what papaya beauty products can give without the undesirable health effects.
The answer to a lighter skin does not always lie on the shelves inside beauty stores. Most of the time, you can find them in your kitchen or – in the case of aloe vera – in your garden. While whitening chemicals can be effective, prolonged use can be the cause of unwanted side effects to the user. This is just one of the many reasons why going “au naturel” is still the best for you – whether it is for protecting your health or just your beauty problems.