Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

5 Best Weight Loss Drinks That Burn Fat While You Sleep!

How many times did you start a weight loss diet? All people who have already followed some kind of diet regimen know perfectly that the most difficult areas are the belly and thighs.

These parts of our body are the ones that accumulate the most fat and the last ones to be able to get rid of them. This type of localized adiposity is usually due to poor diet, stress, lack of exercise, a bit to genetics and hormones.

What can we do? We know that magic recipes do not exist but to balanced diet and physical activity we can add a little help that stimulates our metabolism and “attack” with a detoxification of the liver that is a determining factor for those who struggle against being overweight and obese.

Let’s know some drinks that have a particularity: they help us to lose weight while we sleep, because while we rest stimulate the metabolism, we feed and help eliminate toxins; But in addition to all these advantages these drinks help us to fall asleep, because we must not forget that a good rest is a factor to be taken into account when it comes to losing weight.

Healthy drinks, good rest and weight loss? This must be seen!

5 “magic” drinks to rest and lose weight.

1) Chamomile infusion Chamomile infusion is one of the best drinks we can take at night because it is very easy to digest and contributes to the cleansing of the liver thanks to its antioxidant and depurative properties.

At the same time, it has sedative properties that control the nervous system, relieving stress and improving the quality of sleep.

Within its many properties, chamomile has anti-inflammatory agents that are ideal for relieving muscle aches and inflamed tissues, which also favors good rest.

How do we lose weight with chamomile?

Boil a cup of water, remove from the heat and add chamomile flowers. Let stand about 10 minutes to strain and drink.

Eat at least one hour before bedtime for at least two consecutive weeks.

2) Hot water and lemon: Lemon is rich in antioxidants, minerals and citric acid. Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, this citrus favors the secretion of a hormone known as noradrenaline, which helps to burn fats while taking advantage of its diuretic properties, important for cleansing the kidneys and liver.

Lemon is also rich in dietary fiber, especially in pectin that prolongs the feeling of satiety. It is the best natural food that allows you to break down fats, improve digestion and thus lose weight.

The combination of hot water and lemon is a popular drink and ideal to start the day but also to drink at night, as it has important advantages.

How do we lose weight with lemon?

Heat a cup of water and add the juice of a lemon. Drink this preparation half an hour before going to sleep for three consecutive weeks.

3) Oat tea: Oats give each preparation a contribution of fibers, vitamins and minerals that improve digestion and favor the cleansing of the liver and intestines.

This cleansing of your body by oats contributes to weight loss and by consuming it at night you get at the same time its relaxing effects that provide a sense of well-being and induce a good night’s sleep.

How do we lose weight with oats?

Place three tablespoons of oatmeal in a cup of water (about 250 ml) and let it soak for seven hours. After that time, add to the water of the oats a teaspoon of honey and a little ice, if you prefer, and lighten with a little more water in case it has become very thick.

Drink one hour before going to sleep, three times a week.

4) Peppermint tea : Peppermint tea is a very healthy beverage with many properties that contribute to good digestion especially after a copious meal.

Peppermint essential oil increases the body’s ability to remove wastes from the liver and colon.

This tea at the same time has a sedative and desinflamante effect; Which will help you to better sleep while helping to purify the body.

How do we lose weight with mint tea?

In a bowl place a cup of hot water and boil for two minutes two tablespoons of dry mint leaves. Strain and drink half an hour before bed. Consume every night for at least three weeks.

5) Ginger and lemon tea: Ginger and lemon are a perfect combination for weight loss and to bring health benefits. Both contain significant amounts of vitamin C and other antioxidants that prevent diseases because they contribute to strengthen the immune system.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory used to treat other issues such as cellulite and in addition, has a thermogenic effect that contributes to burn calories and eliminate wastes.

At the same time, the lemon also strengthens the immune system and acts as a powerful tonic that contributes to reduce abdominal distension.

How do we get thin with ginger and lemon tea?

Boil the equivalent of a cup of water and add a slice of ginger and half lemon juice. Let stand 10 minutes and drink slowly.

Consume one hour before going to sleep at least three times a week.

Regardless of the drink you choose to improve your sleep quality and contribute to weight loss, do not forget that a healthy and balanced diet, physical activity and being well hydrated with water are the best recipes for a healthy life and for the most Important of everything that is, feel good.

Who are you going to recommend these healthy drinks to make you sleep and lose weight?

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