Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Use The Leaves Of This Plant To Help You Against Wrinkles, Acne, Dark Spots And Sun Allergies

This homemade cream of parsley leaves and lemon (or apple cider vinegar) will help you to whiten your skin and clean your face of dark spots and freckles and your skin will look much healthier.

Parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals, and its juice contains essential oils with high contents of potassium and manganese.It is even used as a remedy against fever, renal illness, urinal tract illness, diabetes, inflammation of the eyes, and fatigue.In cosmetics, parsley has always been known for its whitening and regenerative properties.It eliminates the redness, annoyance and distension perfectly, it whitens the skin, refreshes and gives you a healthy tone.It helps to eliminate the acne and the blackheads.

Here, we’re presenting you a recipe for a natural lotion made of parsley leaves that you’re going to use every day.


1. 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley leaves
2. 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
3. 200 ml of water


1. Put the water on the stove to boil. Add the chopped parsley and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
2. Remove it from the fire and leave it to cool down.
3. After it has cooled down, add the 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
4. Pour it in a glass container and keep it in the fridge.

Way of use:

Use the lotion every morning and evening.

This homemade lotion closes the pores on your face perfectly, but it also cleans and whitens the skin.

Thanks to the unique properties parsley has, it also helps in the disappearance of freckles and dark spots and in return, gives you a clear and brilliant complexion.

Use it every day and in only one month, you’ll notice the difference on your skin!

I Tried This 3 Ingredients Tea: 7 Days Later, My Waist Was 3 Inches Thinner

This 3 ingredients tea for weight loss has caused a general madness, everyone who have tried it have nothing but praise for this amazing combination.

Here’s ho to prepare it: 

Boil 3 ½ cups water, remove from heat, and add 1 cinnamon stick, 3 bay leaves and 1 tablespoon of green tea. Cover it and leave it for 15 minutes. Then strain it.


Drink your first cup of tea on an empty stomach. You can drink the second cup right after breakfast, and the third in the evening, before bedtime.

With three cups of tea a day, you will significantly lose weight, especially at the critical points of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and the first results will already be visible after 7 days. Those who have tried this tea say that after the first week, you can lose an average of 3 inches in the waist.


Stretch marks are a common problems for many people, especially for women after pregnancy. They appear when the connective tissue in the dermis (middle layer of skin) gets stretched beyond its normal limits due to rapid expansion or contraction of the skin. This can happen as a result of a number of things like rapid weight gain or weight loss, post pregnancy, prolonged use of some medications and so on. As a result of the skin stretching the collagen production gets disrupted and when these weakened collagen fibers don’t align properly we end up with fine scars that appear under the top layer of the skin.

There are a number of natural remedies for this condition but the most effective one is lemon juice. It’s rich in vitamin C, fatty acids and citric acid which help in exfoliation of the dead skin cells and aid the healing and elimination of stretch marks as well as other skin injuries, acne and scars. Even though lemons are acidic they have enough moisture to hydrate the skin and are also excellent skin-whitening agents. They contain anti-bacterial properties which relieve skin-related eruptions.

Using lemons to eliminate stretch marks is very simple. Just cut a lemon in half and rub the affected skin with it. Squeeze the lemon slightly to release the juice onto the stretch marks, and apply it using a circular motion. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a day for a month and you’ll notice the stretch marks disappearing completely.

You can also use lemon in a combination with cucumbers (equal parts lemon juice and cucumber juice), or extra virgin oil as well as mixing a few drops of lemon juice in some honey.

One of the best skin whitening treatment that need just 2 ingredients

Everyone wants to look beautiful always and today I am going to share one miracle treatment that can give you much fairer and flawless skin and that also in just a few days of time.

Licorice powder + Honey + Lemon Juice + Water

Process to follow

In a bowl take 3 spoon of licorice powder

  • Add 2 spoon lemon juice and 1 spoon honey
  • Add required amount of water until you get paste like consistency
  • Your face pack is ready to use
  • Apply this face pack on clean face and leave it for 30 minutes
  • Wash your face with plain water

Follow this remedy 2 times in a week and within a month you can see the difference in your skin tone

Benefits of used ingredients:

Regular use of licorice helps to fade blemishes and dark spots. This ingredient is being used to make skin complexion fairer since last many years and still works like a magic. Lemon juice in this pack will act as natural skin bleach and will fade all blemishes, scars on your face

Learn To Control Diabetes In Just 5 Days With This Natural Remedy

If you are someone who was diagnosed with diabetes, you know that from now on you will have to be attentive to your diet and respect a certain routine.

A few years ago having a chronic illness represented something really serious and difficult to cope with, but with the advancement of science and the necessary changes in diet and physical activity, diabetes can be perfectly manageable.

One of the things that you are going to have to be more attentive is the blood sugar levels, and to help you with this, we bring you a shake made with natural products that many used and could prove their effectiveness.

To keep this disease at bay, in addition to following your doctor’s advice, you can try this alternative full of nutrients and at the same time has many benefits for your body.


  • 2 carrots
  • 3 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 green apple
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 glass of water


First, we advise you to use organic foods as much as possible to make sure they are free of pesticides and chemicals harmful to your health.

Wash all ingredients well. Clean the inside of the apple but do not remove the skin, cut into pieces as well as the carrots and blend together with the rest of the ingredients. They must be well dissolved and integrated.

How to take it:

Drink this fasting shake for 5 days. After that time, you will notice that you can control glucose levels.

Do not stop consulting with your doctor, or stop the treatment that would have already indicated.

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017


It is a fact that heart disease is a number one killer. One of the main causes for heart attack and stroke are clogged arteries which can interrupt the blood flow throughout the entire body.

There are many factors which can increase the risk of a heart attack including lack of movement, stress, and unhealthy diet. However, some simple changes in your diet can help you to protect yourself, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

So, we present you some drinks and foods which can help you to keep your arteries free of blockage:

1. Salmon
Salmon is considered as the most beneficial food for your heart health. It contains many healthy fatty acids which are naturally present in the fish. They have the ability to reduce and prevent cholesterol, inflammation and triglyceride levels.
Tuna, mackerel, and herring are some other healthy fish which you need to include in your diet. Make sure always to buy organic fish.

2. Orange juice
Pure orange juice has many antioxidants which can support healthy blood vessels. Moreover, it can help you to reduce high blood pressure.

By drinking 2 glasses of fresh orange juice on a daily basis, you will get the recommended daily dosage of vitamin C, thus providing your body with vitamins and minerals that will have a positive effect on your health.

3. Coffee
Many studies proved that drinking 2-4 cups of coffee a day will reduce the risk of heart attack by 20%. However, you should be aware of the fact that the excessive consumption of coffee can be harmful to your stomach.

4. Nuts
They contain many healthy fats including omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats. They are extremely effective for your cholesterol levels, and they have the ability to boost your memory and joints. One handful of almonds and walnuts a day and you will see its benefits!

5. Persimmon fruit
It has a rich content of fiber and healthy sterols which can reduce the cholesterol levels. Its sweet taste is the reason why they are called “divine fruits”. You can add this fruit to your salads or cereal.

6. Turmeric
Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric can provide numerous benefits. It will help you to reduce tissue inflammation and prevent overactive fat storage. You can use turmeric as addition to different meals, or consume it as a tea.

7. Green tea
It has potent calming and energizing properties. This is because green tea contains catechin, a powerful antioxidant which can support the metabolism and reduce the absorption of cholesterol. In order to get its maximum benefits, make sure to drink 1-2 cups of green tea a day.

8. Cheese
The moderate consumption of cheese can help you to reduce the high cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

9. Watermelon
This refreshing fruit will promote the production of nitric oxide and support healthy blood vessels. Make sure to incorporate this amazing fruit in your diet, and you will see its benefits!

10. Whole grain
It contains a lot of fiber which can reduce cholesterol and prevent its accumulation in the arteries. Foods which are a rich source of whole grain are oats, whole grain bread, and brown rice. They will help you to break down the already buildup cholesterol.

11. Cranberries
Cranberries are a rich source of potassium. The regular consumption of cranberry juice can help you to reduce the bad cholesterol, and increase the healthy one. Drinking 2 glasses a day will reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%.

12. Seaweed
Seaweed has a rich content of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carotenoids, and antioxidants. The regular consumption of it can help you to regulate the blood pressure and lower the cholesterol levels by 5%.

13. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is mostly used as an addition in baked goods and in tea. It can prevent the buildup in the arteries, thus fighting the high cholesterol. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon a day will provide a lot of benefits for your health.

14. Pomegranate
This exotic fruit contains a lot of phytochemicals which can naturally promote nitric oxide production, thus improving your circulation. Pomegranate can be used as a great addition to your salads.

15. Spinach
Spinach is a rich source of folic acid and potassium, which have the ability to reduce high blood pressure, support muscle tissues, and reduce the risk of heart attacks as well.

Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017


Many anal cancers can be found early in the course of the disease. Early anal cancers often have signs and symptoms that lead people to see a doctor. Unfortunately, some anal cancers may not cause symptoms until they reach an advanced stage. Other anal cancers can cause symptoms like those of diseases other than cancer. This may delay their diagnosis.

Anal cancer is a type of cancer that begins at the opening of the rectum (also known as anus). This unusual form of cancer is overlooked by almost everyone due to the location of the affected area. Most people who have experienced the symptoms of anal cancer do not discuss it with neither their doctor nor the people they know due to embarrassment.

The odds that anal cancer can be found early depend on the location and type of the cancer. Cancers that begin higher up in the anal canal are less likely to cause symptoms and be found early. Anal melanomas tend to spread earlier than other cancers, making it harder to diagnose them early.

Anal cancer should not be confused with colorectal cancer. Whereas colorectal cancer affects the whole large intestine and the rectum, the anal cancer affects only the beginning of the rectum.

Each year, more than 8,000 Americans are diagnosed with anal cancer. It is expected that 1,000 of them will die from it. Statistically, one of every four people who suffer from anal cancer has been diagnosed after the disease has spread to lymph nodes, and one of every ten people has been diagnosed after it has spread to other organs.

Although the cases of anal cancer are not as frequent like the other types of cancer such as colon, rectal, or colorectal cancer, the number of people who suffer from it has grown rapidly in the last decade.

The Symptoms of Anal Cancer!

It is very difficult to detect the presence of anal cancer in its earliest stages because most symptoms are not present during that time. However, as cancer progresses, it usually causes many different symptoms such as:

  1. Rectal bleeding
  2. Rectal itching
  3. A lump or mass at the anal opening
  4. Pain or a feeling of fullness in the anal area
  5. Narrowing of stool or other changes in bowel movements
  6. Abnormal discharge from the anus
  7. Swollen lymph nodes in the anal or groin areas

Most often these types of symptoms are more likely to be caused by benign (non-cancer) conditions, like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or anal warts. Still, if you have any of these symptoms, it’s important to have them checked by a doctor so that the cause can be found and treated, if needed.

The cause of anal cancer remains unclear in most cases, but still, there are many factors that can increase the risk of developing anal cancer, like frequent irritation of the anus, smoking, and a weakened immune system. People who are at higher risk of developing anal cancer are the ones who are older than 60 years. 80 percent of the cases have been detected in people who belong to this category. Men under 35 are at higher risk to develop this uncommon disease when compared women who belong to the same age category. However, after the age of 50, women are at higher risk of developing anal cancer.

How to Detect Anal Cancer Early?

Detecting anal cancer during its early stages is decisive in overcoming it. There are many procedures that can detect the presence of anal cancer. Here are some of them:

  • Digital Rectal Exam – The doctor first looks at the outside of the anus to find out whether you have hemorrhoids or fissures. Then, he puts on a latex glove and inserts a lubricated finger into the rectum to search for lumps or any other abnormalities.
  • Anoscopy – This is a method when a small, tubular instrument called an anoscope is inserted a few inches into the anus so the doctor can determine whether you have anal fissures, anal polyps, hemorrhoids, infection, or tumors. The doctor will perform this procedure only if he finds something abnormal during the digital rectal exam.
  • Biopsies, ultrasounds, x-rays, CT scans, MRIs and PET scans – are all procedures that can be used to detect the presence of anal cancer. However, all of these procedures are surrounded by controversies as a result of many studies which suggest that they either spread or cause cancer.

Senin, 28 Agustus 2017

Successfully Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain with This Simple 10-Minutes Method

The longest nerve in the entire human body is also known as the sciatic nerve. It’s located at the back of the legs, starting from the buttocks, going down the length of the legs and ending in the feet.

Inflammation of the nerve triggers a severe and intolerable pain that extends from below the knee above to the area of the ribs and even in the back.

Furthermore, the intensity of the pain mainly depends on the reason behind it as well as the individual, but it is hardly ever enjoyable. However, there are various things you can do in order to alleviate the nerve pain.

While prescribed medications often provide a quick fix, they only treat the symptoms and not the roots of the condition. On the other hand, there are natural solutions, remedies, and exercises that can address the roots of the problem.

Thereby, providing a relief of pressure and inflammation in the nerves as well as preventing sciatic nerve pain altogether. Since the sciatic nerve pain can be traumatizing, it can alter your daily motion and life in general.

In brief, the pain manifests as a feeling of heavy legs, tingling, or numbness and can interfere with movements and sitting.

For all people with sciatic nerve pain, we have a rather natural solution that will only take up 10 minutes of your time.

The benefits of it vary, depending on which stage your condition already is, and it is imperative that you follow the steps carefully.

The 10-Minutes Bedtime Treatment

  • Pour 10 liters of hot enough to touch water into a bucket
  • Add a handful of salt and 1 liter of apple cider vinegar
  • Stir it until the salt dissolves completely
  • Place your feet in the bucket and leave them there until the water starts to cool down
  • Take your feet out and dry them
  • Go to bed making sure your feet stay warm during the whole night.

You can use a blanket as an extra sheet to cover them. When you wake up in the morning, don’t stand or walk on the ground barefoot. Make sure you are wearing socks, and preferably your slippers too.

You should be able to feel the pain relief even from the first treatment. If necessary, repeat the treatment every day, until the pain starts to disappear completely.

Skin Whitening Magical Serum At Home (only 2 steps process)

Meaning that it is quite popular in the United States. However, it is illegal in some African countries. Until recent research, I had always assumed that skin whitening was a traditional Asian aesthetic trend.

For instance, it is said that the Chinese want to have whiter skin because it is linked with higher social classes inside the Chinese society. From the Qin dynasty, there is this a social ranking in which scholars and officers were always on the top of the social class. What’s the characteristic of scholars or officers?

They work indoors, not outdoors.

Dr. Margaret Hunter, head of the Sociology Department at Mills College, has seen the popularity of bleaching creams surge in recent years. “Skin bleaching is a growing phenomenon around the world and it’s becoming a bigger business,” she says.

“Now it’s a multi-billion dollar business and all the biggest cosmetic companies sell products that are supposed to lighten your skin.”

We are not here to judge the reasons someone may want to lighten their skin, it’s a personal choice. When I was a teenager I was always at the tanning booth because I thought tanned skin looked good.

Personally, I think it’s all about “how you wear it” (how you carry yourself), and if something gives you more confidence then I say go for it!

Natural 2-Step Skin Whitening Method
Why buy expensive and possibly toxic commercial skin whitening products when you can try this simple method that will get you great results. Just be sure to follow each step carefully or else it won’t be as effective.

Step 1 – Scrub

  • Take 1 teaspoon raw organic sugar and put it in a bowl
  • Put 3 teaspoons freshly squeezed organic orange juice
  • Then, put 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • Add 1 teaspoon of raw organic honey
  • Stir everything nicely and your scrub is ready to apply

Massage on your skin for several minutes.

Wipe it off using damp cotton cloth.

Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Step 2 – Skin whitening

  • Put 2 teaspoons of rice flour in a bowl
  • Add ¼ of a teaspoon of baking soda
  • Add 6 teaspoons freshly squeezed organic orange juice
  • Stir it all well
  • Put a thick layer of this mixture on your skin
  • Leave it to rest for 20 minutes
  • Rub it for two minutes and wash it off.


This is a 100% natural facial that will give you an immediate glow and could put off all scars from your face. Here fundamental factor that we are going to use in all below steps is a potato. Potato is a superb natural bleaching agent that makes your skin fair and you may additionally use this for sensitive skin.

Step 1 – cleaning

For this you’ll need

Potato juice

Place potato juice in refrigerator for 3o mins
Now with assist of cotton pat practice this juice all over your face
Go away for 2 mins
Wash your face

Step 2 – Scrubbing

You need

Potato juice of one medium poatato
Raw milk – 3 spoon
Honey – 1 spoon
Sugar – four spoon
In a bow take potato juice
Add milk into this
Add 1 spoon honey
Now upload sugar
Blend it properly
Your scrubber is ready, rub it gently for your face for 5 mins
Wash your face with simple water

Step 3 – Steaming

For this cause you may use face steamer and take steam for approximately five minutes so that each one pores are open

Step 4 – Face masks

You may want

Potato juice
Multani mitti
Rose water
In potato juice add multani mitti
Upload sufficient rose water until you get easy paste
Apply it all over your face
Leave for 30 minutes
Wash it off
Your facial is entire now
Pat dry your face, observe toner and moisturizer

Say Goodbye to Pain in Your Joints, Legs and Spine with This Proven Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Both old and young people can suffer from joint pain in the knees, legs, ankles, or back.

In general, its cause is an age-related loss of bone cartilage in seniors, while in young people, it is often a result of physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle.

According to a recent study, 30% of adults are affected with joint pain, which may be caused by numerous diseases, including gout, strains, osteoarthritis, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, and injuries.

Most of these are cured in a period of two weeks to 3 months, but the pain they cause seriously affects the everyday life of a person.

The pain in the legs is usually a result of wear and tear, which is a muscle exhaustion or joint injury due to a tearing of the ligament, bone, the muscle, tendon and other soft tissues. Leg pain may also be caused by poor circulation.

The following anti-inflammatory smoothie will efficiently treat pain in the joints:


  • 1- inch raw ginger root
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 lemon
  • ½ teaspoon coconut oil
  • 2 cups of pineapples
  • 2 pears
  • a pinch of turmeric
  • 1 orange
  • a dash of black pepper


You should peel the ginger, orange, and lemon, and core and slice the pears and pineapples. Then, blend all ingredients in a food processor on high speed.

You can consume it right away. It can be kept in the fridge for max 3-5 days. Make sure you use a food processor instead of a juicer, as it will not filter the dietary fiber as waste.

Actually, the high fiber content in this smoothie lowers C- reactive protein (CRP) in the blood, a marker of inflammation which causes diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Health benefits

Leg pain may often be caused by potassium and calcium deficiencies. The body needs high amounts of vitamin C to preserve the health of joints and fight off inflammations, especially in the case of osteoarthritis (OA).

The Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine published a study in 2009 which showed that turmeric is the most potent anti-inflammatory agent. It alleviates knee pain and enhances its function, and it has been shown to be even more effective than ibuprofen in the case of osteoarthritis.

A study conducted in 2006 showed that its active ingredient, curcumin, treats pain and relieves joint inflammation.

Pears are extremely high in vitamin C, and they alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Pineapples are high in bromelain, which treats joint pain and reduces the symptoms of arthritis. Bromelain also has more enzymes than the majority of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs.

Despite their high vitamin C content, lemons are also high in vitamin E, both of which are potent antioxidants essential for proper function of the body, as they prevent free radical damage of cells and trigger the release of collagen and connective tissue.

Its active ingredient, gingerol, reduces prostaglandins, which are the lipid compounds which are the cause of joint pain.

Celery is extremely rich in vitamin K, whose deficiency leads to bone mineralization and abnormal cartilage, and causes OA in hands and knees.

The regular consumption of this smoothie will relieve joint pain and provide better effects than most of the anti-inflammatory drugs on the market.

Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

The Magic Powers Of Green Tea: After Reading This You Will Consume It Every Day!

Did you know that green tea has been consumed in China for more than 3000 years?

According to the legend, Shen Nong, considered the father of Chinese agriculture and natural medicine, tried on himself the plants he found, until one day he was poisoned with one and managed to neutralize the poison by chewing green tea leaves. From that moment he considered this plant as an antidote against the poison.

We do not know for sure if this was real, but we do have the certainty that the Chinese are at the forefront in everything that has to do with the uses of different types of tea and green tea has managed to position itself and settle within The list of the five most used thanks to its properties and health benefits.

If we told you that green tea contains epigallocatechin, better called EGCG, you probably have no idea what it is, but this compound is what makes green tea a drink that should not be missing from your list of regular infusions.

EGCG is an antioxidant that makes up almost 50% of this tea that prevents or diminishes the oxidation of the cells and thus prevents the deterioration caused by free radicals.

But do not be scared, that to take advantage of the benefits of green tea does not need to know this name so difficult. We are simply going to teach you all the good we can get from this wonderful tea.

1) Fat Burner: Theine, is an active ingredient belonging to the caffeine family that helps to burn fats. Only a single dehydrated leaf of green tea contains 4% caffeine. The polyphenols in green tea allow the teine slows down the assimilation of lipids and carbohydrates by the body as well as the amount of calories that are absorbed.

2) Blood glucose leveler : EGCG improves the use of insulin in the body to prevent an increase in blood sugar as well as chronic fatigue, irritability and need to eat between hours. Green tea has the ability to reduce appetite.

3) Anticancer: Green tea compounds could inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells, especially; The lungs and particularly in women, but there is still a lot of cloth to cut with respect to this because it is simply preliminary studies.

4) Promotes good digestion: Green tea has a positive action on digestion and some studies suggest that it could act as a protector against stomach cancer. However, there are still many studies to be done to test this theory.

5) Lower cholesterol: There is a kind of “rivalry” between good and bad cholesterol, because just as we must lower one, it is important to increase the other. Green tea has the virtue of acting on both and has shown to be able to lower the bad and help increase the good.

Some studies done on animals suggest that polyphenols in green tea block the absorption of cholesterol by the intestines and help to eliminate it.

6) Powerful antioxidant: Green tea has antioxidants capable of eliminating the free radicals that affect the skin. It has a positive impact on the cells helping to regenerate them.

It is recommended to drink 3 cups of green tea a day without milk and without sugar.

7) A flat belly ally: Catechins come into play again to contribute to weight loss and the elimination of fats, especially those that are at waist level.

The usual consumption of green tea allows this antioxidant to regulate your weight and evenly distribute fats.

8) Diuretic effect: Another benefit of green tea in relation to weight loss has to do with its diuretic effects. It is excellent for cleaning the urinary tract, avoiding fluid retention and favoring the elimination of toxins from the kidneys.

9) Increases body pH: Among the medicinal properties of green tea we also find that it helps to decrease the acidity of the body helping to increase the natural pH. It has detoxifying effect, activates the metabolism and is anti-inflammatory.

Within its virtues as a protector of the immune system, green tea helps reduce blood pressure and prevents tooth decay.

10) Awaken the senses: There are many different varieties of tea with medicinal properties, but few that can contribute to health and at the same time have good taste and an attractive perfume.

This is the case of green tea, which in addition to improving health, is also a positive experience in terms of aroma and taste.

It has the ability to stimulate the senses and an important power to relax the tensions.

Try to try it without any additions or sugar and you will notice that alone has body and personality. If desired, you can sweeten it with a little honey, stevia or blonde sugar.

There is always an excuse to generate the opportunity to share with friends a cup of tea and especially if it is green tea that stimulates the senses, burns fat and adds all the benefits with this millennial tea.

5 Best Weight Loss Drinks That Burn Fat While You Sleep!

How many times did you start a weight loss diet? All people who have already followed some kind of diet regimen know perfectly that the most difficult areas are the belly and thighs.

These parts of our body are the ones that accumulate the most fat and the last ones to be able to get rid of them. This type of localized adiposity is usually due to poor diet, stress, lack of exercise, a bit to genetics and hormones.

What can we do? We know that magic recipes do not exist but to balanced diet and physical activity we can add a little help that stimulates our metabolism and “attack” with a detoxification of the liver that is a determining factor for those who struggle against being overweight and obese.

Let’s know some drinks that have a particularity: they help us to lose weight while we sleep, because while we rest stimulate the metabolism, we feed and help eliminate toxins; But in addition to all these advantages these drinks help us to fall asleep, because we must not forget that a good rest is a factor to be taken into account when it comes to losing weight.

Healthy drinks, good rest and weight loss? This must be seen!

5 “magic” drinks to rest and lose weight.

1) Chamomile infusion Chamomile infusion is one of the best drinks we can take at night because it is very easy to digest and contributes to the cleansing of the liver thanks to its antioxidant and depurative properties.

At the same time, it has sedative properties that control the nervous system, relieving stress and improving the quality of sleep.

Within its many properties, chamomile has anti-inflammatory agents that are ideal for relieving muscle aches and inflamed tissues, which also favors good rest.

How do we lose weight with chamomile?

Boil a cup of water, remove from the heat and add chamomile flowers. Let stand about 10 minutes to strain and drink.

Eat at least one hour before bedtime for at least two consecutive weeks.

2) Hot water and lemon: Lemon is rich in antioxidants, minerals and citric acid. Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, this citrus favors the secretion of a hormone known as noradrenaline, which helps to burn fats while taking advantage of its diuretic properties, important for cleansing the kidneys and liver.

Lemon is also rich in dietary fiber, especially in pectin that prolongs the feeling of satiety. It is the best natural food that allows you to break down fats, improve digestion and thus lose weight.

The combination of hot water and lemon is a popular drink and ideal to start the day but also to drink at night, as it has important advantages.

How do we lose weight with lemon?

Heat a cup of water and add the juice of a lemon. Drink this preparation half an hour before going to sleep for three consecutive weeks.

3) Oat tea: Oats give each preparation a contribution of fibers, vitamins and minerals that improve digestion and favor the cleansing of the liver and intestines.

This cleansing of your body by oats contributes to weight loss and by consuming it at night you get at the same time its relaxing effects that provide a sense of well-being and induce a good night’s sleep.

How do we lose weight with oats?

Place three tablespoons of oatmeal in a cup of water (about 250 ml) and let it soak for seven hours. After that time, add to the water of the oats a teaspoon of honey and a little ice, if you prefer, and lighten with a little more water in case it has become very thick.

Drink one hour before going to sleep, three times a week.

4) Peppermint tea : Peppermint tea is a very healthy beverage with many properties that contribute to good digestion especially after a copious meal.

Peppermint essential oil increases the body’s ability to remove wastes from the liver and colon.

This tea at the same time has a sedative and desinflamante effect; Which will help you to better sleep while helping to purify the body.

How do we lose weight with mint tea?

In a bowl place a cup of hot water and boil for two minutes two tablespoons of dry mint leaves. Strain and drink half an hour before bed. Consume every night for at least three weeks.

5) Ginger and lemon tea: Ginger and lemon are a perfect combination for weight loss and to bring health benefits. Both contain significant amounts of vitamin C and other antioxidants that prevent diseases because they contribute to strengthen the immune system.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory used to treat other issues such as cellulite and in addition, has a thermogenic effect that contributes to burn calories and eliminate wastes.

At the same time, the lemon also strengthens the immune system and acts as a powerful tonic that contributes to reduce abdominal distension.

How do we get thin with ginger and lemon tea?

Boil the equivalent of a cup of water and add a slice of ginger and half lemon juice. Let stand 10 minutes and drink slowly.

Consume one hour before going to sleep at least three times a week.

Regardless of the drink you choose to improve your sleep quality and contribute to weight loss, do not forget that a healthy and balanced diet, physical activity and being well hydrated with water are the best recipes for a healthy life and for the most Important of everything that is, feel good.

Who are you going to recommend these healthy drinks to make you sleep and lose weight?

This Can Save You From Diabetes – A Recipe For An Ancient Folk Remedy

Diabetes is a very serious illness. People are usually prescribed with various medical treatments, but besides them, they also choose to try and treat the diabetes in a natural way. Here in this article, we will tell you how to use cabbage as a natural treatment, and many experts say that the juice from cabbage is even more efficient than using drugs.

Cabbage contains powerful anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant properties. It has the ability to repair the damage in the pancreatic cells. Due to its content rich in magnesiu, potassium, proteins and vitamin’s C, B1, B2 and B6.

One study, which was conducted in 2008, showed that the juice from cabbage has the power to reduce the levels of blood glucose, and it can also reduce the excess weight. So read the incredible recipe with cabbage juice.


You will need 1/2 kilo of cabbage-fresh and then wash it well and chop it into small pieces. Then pour a 1/4 cup of distilled water into a blender or a juicer and add the chopped cabbage. Blend them together until it becomes a nice green porridge with small pieces of cabbage in it. After that, stir the mixture at the highest rate for 10 seconds.

Consume one glass of this amazing mixture every day, before every meal. You will be stunned with the result, and they will appear very quickly after you start using this remedy.

A Peel Of Lemon Can Remove Joint Pain Forever

A Peel Of Lemon Can Remove Joint Pain Forever, Here’s How!

One of the most common health problems nowadays is definitely joint pain. Various problems can cause it like injuries in the bones, ligaments and cartilage around the joints. If you’re experiencing joint pain, you’ll notice various symptoms:  swelling, warmth, weakness, redness, limping, tenderness, and loss of range of motion of the joint.

Joint pain can be extremely difficult as it becomes unbearable after a while and patients try various medicines just to get rid of it. Luckily, here, we’re going to present you something natural that will help you relieve that pain. It’s extremely simple and you probably have all the ingredients at home!

Lemon is a fruit abundant in minerals and vitamins like vitamin A, B6, C, B1, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, pectin, magnesium etc. Numerous people use only the fruit, but they aren’t aware that also the lemon peel is abundant in various health benefits!

Lemon peel contains some very powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They’re excellent for the soothing of your nerve pain as well as for the improvement of the health of your blood vessels. It is also an extremely effective way that can help you relieve joint pain.

Here, we’re presenting you 2 ways that use lemon peels to help you against joint pain!

First, grate the lemon peel, but be careful! Grate the yellow part only! Put the lemon peel on the areas where you feel joint pain and put a bandage over them. Leave it to rest like that for several hours. You’ll be amazed by the results!

Here’s another recipe:


  • Two lemons (try to buy organic lemons)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Eucalyptus leaves

Just peel the lemon and keep the peels in a glass jar. Make sure you cover them with the extra virgin olive oil completely. Put the eucalyptus leaves in the end. Close the jar well and leave it to rest like that for 2 weeks. When this period passes, you can use the mixture. Dip a gauze in it and put it over the painful area. Cover it with a bandage.

You’ll acquire the best results if you do this before you go to bed every night. The natural remedy will have more time to act and you won’t move!

Try them out today! You’ll really be amazed by how a natural remedy can help you that much!

Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2017


Painful menstruation, also known as dysmenorrhoea, is a common problem of women in the reproductive age group. There are several causes attributed to this condition; such as congenital malformation of the genital tract, mechanical obstruction, infection, vascular congestion and sometimes psychogenic causes. The nature, severity and time of pain vary from individual to individual depending on the underlying cause, tolerance capacity and the individual’s perception of the condition.

Pain may occur before, during and after menstrual flow. Sometimes, it may occur between the menstrual periods. The pain can be dull and continuous with a sense of heaviness in the pelvic region and not infrequently intermittent and spasmodic. Anxiety, stress and unsatisfied sexual stimulation contribute significantly to induce or aggravate dysmenorrhoea without any structural or pathologic cause.

Primary dysmenorrhoea is present from the time of menarche, i.e. from the onset of menstruation and is also termed as congenital or essential, while secondary dysmenorrhoea results from congestive, inflammatory, obstructive and functional conditions of the genital tract.
Painful menstruation without pathologic conditions can be successfully managed with simple remedies such as powder of Shatpushpa and observing certain do’s and don’ts:

  • Food intake around menstual period should be light, soft and easy to digest. Heavy meals, overeating and dry, spicy, and cold foods should be avoided. If the appetite is weak, switch over to liquid or semi-solid diet.
  • Women should maintain a relaxed state of mind before and during menstrual days keeping away aggression, anger, frustration and irritation. Proper sleep and deep breathing with relaxed mind help to improve tolerance and alleviate pain.
  • Suppression of defecation and urination urges should be avoided.
  • Sipping of warm water and hot water fomentation over lower abdomen give relief from pain.
  • Excessive physical or mental exertion, dietary irregularities and mental irritation should be avoided and due care should be taken to have proper meals and rest.

                                      Shatpushpa (Anethum sowa Roxb. ex Flem.)

Tribal communities use dried ripe fruits of Shatpushpa in the form of a decoction or powder or boiled with milk alone or mixed with other herbs for female health problems resulting during menstruation and after child birth. The formulation is listed with given indications in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India1. The plant is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions and its fruits are collected near the end of winter, dried in the shade and kept in dry conditions. Properly preserved fruits are dark brown and rich in essential oil with a faintly aromatic odour, warm and slightly sharp taste resembling that of caraway. Optimal potency of the herb and its powder lasts for about one year.

Main chemical constituents

Essential oil, aromatic glycosides, monoterpenoid, ketodiols.

Method of preparation

Clean Shatpushpa dried fruits by removing dust and other foreign particles.  Grind fruits in a dry grinder or pulverizer.
Filter the powder through sieve with mesh size 85. Store the powder in an air-tight glass or food-grade plastic container and store in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. Soft decoction or infusion is prepared by boiling 2 to 3 grams of Shatpushpa in 50 ml of water until half of it remains. Or, soak Shatpushpa fruits in 25 to 30 ml of hot water for half an hour and then filter the contents to obtain infusion.

Dosage form

Brownish powder and decoction is light brown liquid.

Therapeutic properties

The preparation has anti-spasmodic, stomachic, carminative, antiflatulent and emmenagogue properties.

Dose and mode of administration

Two to three grams of the powder is to be taken twice a day with warm water, preferably after meals. The powder can be mixed with an equal amount of honey and swallowed with warm water or milk. Or, 25 to 30 ml of decoction or infusion can be taken twice or thrice daily. For continous pain or heaviness use of 2-3 teaspoonsful (1015 ml) infusion is recommended at hourly intervals.

Indications and uses

Painful menstruation with or without abdominal symptoms.
Shatpushpa is also indicated for improving menstrual flow and lactation after delivery. It is also used as a household remedy for first-hand management of common ailments like diarrhoea, flatulence, indigestion, acute abdominal pain and fever.

Precautions and safety aspects

Hot (pungent) spicy and sour food items should be avoided during menstruation and medication with Shatpushpa powder.  In summer either the dose of Shatpushpa should be reduced or should be taken with some cooling, soft and soothing liquid. Use of Shatpushpa may be discontinued if menstrual blood flow increases and symptoms of giddiness, heat, burning, excessive thirst and dryness appear. These symptoms usually appear in women with hot body-mind constitution, i.e. Paittik constitution and can be negated by consuming soft, lubricating, soothing, semisolid and juicy food items.
Toxic or adverse effects of  Shatpushpa are not reported in the literature. Deep-fried, oily foods that may cause abdominal heaviness,
indigestion and constipation, etc. should be avoided. Cold water bath, dry massage, night awakening, irregularity in sleep, excessive walking, excessive coitus, strenuous exertion and mental stress, etc. should be avoided.

Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017


One of the most common skin disorders that everyone has encountered are boils. Boils can occur on the face, armpit and throat. But, there are a few among us that have boils on our thighs and buttocks. Boils are small and not clearly visible. They can sometimes cause anxiety. Firstly, we have to know what boils are and how they are caused, before we know how to get rid of them.

 Boils – The Science Behind Them:

 Boils are a skin infection, which starts in the oil gland or a hair follicle.Boils are also known as skin abscess. They are mostly caused by a bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus, which occupiesour body. This bacetrium enters our body through skin lesions.


  •  Damaged hair follicles.
  •  Excessive scratching with infected fingers and nails.
  •   Sharing toiletries.
  •   Weakened immune system. 
  •  Waxing or shaving.
  •  Allergic reactions.
  •  Excessive sweating which in turn leads to accumulation of dirt.
  •  Fabric allergic reaction. 
  •  Recurrent rubbing of thighs. 
  •  Irregular nutrition.
  •   Poor hygiene.
  •   Stress and overexertion.
  •   Infected lymph node.

 If boils are not properly treated, they are also harmful. In spite of the fact that they are starting out as harmless bumps, they often intensify rapidly. They are not constrained to just these areas of the body, such as:face, armpits, inner thighs, buttocks, groin and scalp, but to any part of the body that has hair follicles. Very often boils do land up in the most private of places, especially the groin.


 Here are some remedies that would help you in getting rid of boils:


 If you apply heat to the boil during its initial stages, it reduces its growth remarkably. Heat effectively increases blood circulation around the boil. In this way, you enable your natural antibodies with the assistance of white blood cells to ward off the infection and pus inside. You should do thisfor two or three days, depending on the size of the boil. At this time the pus drains out. When all the pus is out, you should wash the area with antibacterial soap and leave it to dry. You should put a bandage on it, if you do want to keep the boil open.

2. Turmeric Paste:

 Turmeric possesses a lot of medicinal qualities. In order to make a turmeric paste, you should mix it with Epsom salt and honey along with castor oil and iodine. Apply this paste on the boil which would make the pus drain out.

3. Goldenseal:

 Take some Goldenseal root powder and add water. Mix it so that it forms a paste. You should apply the paste on the affected area.

4. Water:

 If you drink a lot of water, you will reduce the intensity of the boil. Have at least 8-10 glasses of water every day, because it will help in flushing the toxins out of the body.

5. Onion:

Onions have antiseptic properties that speed up the healing process. You should cut an onion into thick slices and place them on the boil. Wrap it with the help of a cloth. You have to remember that you shouldchange the slices every 2-3 hours.

 Note: You should never try to puncture a boil, because this will aggravate the condition, and will lead to swelling or increasing the intensity of boils.

Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017

Try This Miraculous Cucumber Juice To Remove Stones In The Kidneys!

Kidney stones, popularly known as kidney stones can be formed by poor diet. Cucumber juice is an excellent remedy for those suffering from kidney stones, also known as a kidney stone.

The effectiveness of this juice owes its diuretic properties which help to remove stones and improves kidney function.

Stones in the kidneys can be of various sizes, can go away alone (with little or much pain) or in some cases surgery is necessary.

Kidney stones are something tremendously annoying, painful and complicating the life of anyone who has them. But, fortunately, you can use natural remedies to reduce them and also to lessen the pain they cause.

Cucumber Juice Ingredients for Kidney Stones:

– 1 medium cucumber, in shell

–also 1 liter of water

– Some mint leaves

– 2 tablespoons honey

How to prepare:

Cut the cucumber into slices and add it to the blender along with the other ingredients and beat well. The individual with kidney stones should drink the juice several times throughout the day.

In the case of renal crisis, follow all instructions of the doctor and preferably increase the intake of a liquid feed to increase the amount of urine and thus remove stones from the kidneys.

Senin, 21 Agustus 2017

Rejuvenating Amla Hair Mask That Reverses Hair Fall

Hair fall is a cosmetic issue for many people today. Although there are numerous products on the market promising to reverse hair fall, these are not only expensive, but, they often fail to provide the desired results.

Luckily, healthy hair can be quite affordable and simple, provided you give it the proper natural treatment.

If you are one of those who want to give your locks a boost, here is a quick guide on how to get naturally healthy hair.

Amla or Indian gooseberry is a staple ingredient in almost all Ayurvedic recipes for treatment of various ailments. There’s mounting evidence confirming that amla is abundant in health-boosting nutrients, which can do wonders for your hair too.

In fact, this popular Indian fruit can be used to fight dandruff, but also as a hair conditioner. It can even be made into home-made paste to cover grey hair. But, most importantly, it nourishes the hair from the root to the tip. It improves hair quality on many levels – it softens your hair and hydrates your scalp. In addition, it nourishes your hair with essential fatty acids thus making it stronger.

One of the greatest benefits from amla is that it can be used as an effective remedy against hair loss. It revives the hair follicles, making your hair thicker and stronger. It also works wonders on dull and dry hair.

Amla And Yoghurt Hair Mask

Amla is abundant in antioxidants which fight free radical damage thus preventing graying. In addition, it nourishes the hair follicles and stimulates blood flow to the scalp. Plus, it has antimicrobial properties that prevent dandruff formation.

  • 2 tbsps. gooseberry powder
  • 1 tbsp. fenugreek powder
  • 1 tbsp. curry leaves paste
  • ½ cup yogurt
  • Pour ½ cup yogurt in a medium-sized bowl.
  • Add the other ingredients and mix well to form a paste.
  • Apply the hair mask evenly to wet hair.
  • Let it act for about half an hour then rinse with lukewarm water.
Amazing Amla And Its Benefits

1. Promotes Hair Growth

Amla is abundant in antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial for fighting cell damaging free radicals that trigger hair fall, graying, wrinkles, heart disease, and other age-related changes. It also packs a lot of phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins that strengthen hair follicles, increase blood flow to the scalp and stimulate healthy hair growth.

2. Reduces Hair Graying

According to Ayurvedic theory, premature graying id often the result of excess pitta in the body – a condition triggered by skin rashes, burning sensations, peptic ulcers, excessive body heat, and heartburn.

Amla is a natural cooling agent and is highly effective in regulating and controlling pitta conditions, meaning it also reduces graying. Plus, amla restores hair pigmentation making your hair darker and thicker.

3. Helps With Dandruff And Scalp

Alma maintains a healthy scalp due to its healing properties including antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and astringent properties, all of which prevent annoying scalp conditions such as dandruff and itchy scalp.

Also, the cooling effect of amla reduces inflammation, irritation, and itchiness of the skin while promoting skin healing.

4. Excellent Hair Conditioner

Many dermatologists agree that amla is one of the best natural hair conditioners because it nourishes and conditions your hair thus improving overall hair quality.

Lemon Peel To Cure Joint Pain: Use This Recipe After Which Will Wake Up Without Pain

We used the lemon to make a lot of food. With it we marinate the meats, we give flavor to our salads, we quench the thirst in the summer or we give a fresh touch to our cakes. It is useful even to remove one or another stain. However, peeling and peeling, we may be wasting the best part.

Lemon Peel To Cure Joint Pain Use This Recipe After Which Will Wake Up Without Pain
Almost half of the lemon’s nutrients are concentrated in its bark. The latest studies, recognize in their shell a wide range of nutrients (vitamins, minerals and fibers) much needed for our body. Let’s see in detail:

Calcium: Each 100gr of lemon peel contains 134mg of calcium. Calcium has multiple functions in the body. It is involved in the processes of hormonal secretion, the contraction of muscles when performing some force and in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Potassium: Each 100gr contains 160mg. Potassium allows the heart to function properly, reduces blood pressure and prevents heart disease. Also, along with sodium, calcium and chloride, it is responsible for conducting electricity in the body. Intervenes in the digestive process and in the contraction of muscles.

Vitamin C: 100gr contains 129mg of vitamin C. This vitamin strengthens the immune system, helps to synthesize collagen and is an antioxidant that protects against radical damage.

Fiber: Each 100gr contains 10.6 of fiber. It normalizes intestinal processes, provides satiety (so they help with weight loss) lowers cholesterol and regulates blood sugar.

Lemon peel: an effective remedy for joint pains

In the shell, lemon essential oil is concentrated, along with citronella, felandren, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid, hesperidin, among others that function as antibacterial, antiseptic and anti fungal.

All these nutrients as a whole, act on the joints, helping the relaxation of blood vessels. In turn, they work as a body anti-inflammatory.

Now that we know all of its properties and how beneficial it is for joints, let us know what is the best way to prepare an excellent natural remedy and make the most of its qualities. The reality is that we will not tolerate consuming the husks to tablespoons, we learn to realize the following natural topic.

Natural Remedy with Lemon Peel to Treat Joint Ailments


– 2 tablespoonoil extra virgin olive oil .
– 2 Large lemons organic (this way we ensure that the shell does not contain chemicals, nor are polished with any product)
– 10 eucalyptus leaves.
– An airtight container with a lid


-Wash well lemons. Peel them away from the white skin beneath the bark. The white part we will not use it.

Place the shells in the bowl and pour the olive oil over them until completely covered.

-Add the eucalyptus leaves. Check that the leaves are also immersed in the oil.

-Take the bowl and let stand in a cool, dry place for two weeks.

How to use:

Once the indicated time has elapsed, the remedy is used directly on the pain.

Moisten a clean gauze with a little of this oil and place it on the sore area. Cover the gauze with a bag, put on a scarf or something similar. The idea is that the lemon peel oil acts directly on the pain and that the joint is in permanent heat. It is necessary that this heat is not dispersed.

Perform this treatment before going to sleep: this way the ointment will act all night while you sleep.

Infusion of lemon peels

We recommend you also try this infusion and get better results. Some benefits that you will get consuming it are:

-Relieves muscle tension.
-Fights bad breath.
-It helps the digestive process: it produces less gas and deflates the intestines.
-Relieves joint pain in legs and arms. It is a potent anti-inflammatory.
-Strengthens the immune system
-Regulates blood pressure.

It is very easy to prepare:


-2 lemons
-1 liter of water
-Endulzante choice


-Peel the two lemons leaving the white skin attached to the fruit.
Then remove the seeds and squeeze them.
-Place the liter of water and shells in a container. Take to the fire.
– Once it starts to boil, leave it for 15 minutes and remove from the heat.
-Add the juice of the lemons and sweeten it to taste.

Drink this infusion twice daily, while you perform the treatment with the ointment and you will notice how your joints begin to strengthen again.

Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017

This Is How Baking Soda And Castor Oil Can Treat More Than 20 Health Problems

The more we learn about Nature, the more astonishing we find it. Ages-old remedies still work and can be applied for modern ills if we only extend our imaginations and leave societal mores in the ditch.

Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor plant. It is thick and has a slight pungent smell—you don’t want to use it on your skin when getting ready for a first date.

Rich in antioxidants, castor oil is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Applied before bedtime is optimal, to give it ample time to work on whatever ails you.

Below are beneficial topical uses of castor oil you might not have tried.

Soothes minor skin abrasions and burns
Aids healing of injured or sore joints
Removes warts and moles (1)
Reduces fever (2)
Reduces and prevents the appearance of stretch marks
Mixed with a little baking soda, can eliminate dark spots on the face
Soothes chronic hoarseness and vocal chord strain
Promotes lymph flow
Soothes dry eyes (one drop of USP [United States Pharmacopoeia] castor oil in each eye before sleep; the USP grade is important to ensure no impurities) (3) There is anecdotal evidence that castor oil eliminates and prevents eye cataracts. (4)

  • Back and arthritis pain relief
  • Stimulates lactation
  • Stimulates hair growth by massaging a few drops into the scalp (also works on eyebrows and lashes)
  • Soothes insect bites, reducing inflammation and itch
  • Kills foot fungus infection (athlete’s foot)
  • Removes calcium deposits and tough skin on soles of the feet
  • Improves hearing with a few drops in the ear
  • Treats hepatitis when used as a compress over the liver (5)

If you’re brave enough to drink castor oil (it is decidedly not delicious), you may mix with water, juice, or cool tea; taken internally, you can reap these benefits:

  • Reduce nicotine and alcohol addiction with 2 drops a day
  • Reduce tinnitus with 6-8 drops a day
  • Reduce hyperactivity with 2 drops a day
  • Eliminate snoring
  • Treat seasonal and food allergies – 5 drops will do (2, 3)
  • Relieve constipation with 2 drops a day
  • When used as a compress, castor oil combined with baking soda improves blood circulation—especially important for diabetics. Better circulation also affects the appearance of spider and varicose veins. A recipe follows.

Castor Oil Compress


  • Clean cotton gauze or all-cotton towel (castor oil stains so don’t use a fancy guest towel)
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • Dry towel


  • Baking soda
  • Castor oil, organic and cold-pressed


  1. Fill the hot water bottle with hot (not boiling) water.
  2. Wash the affected area with baking soda and a little water.
  3. Soak gauze or towel in castor oil and place on the clean area.
  4. Wrap the gauze with plastic wrap and cover with hot water bottle. Keep the hot water bottle in place with a larger towel.
  5. Allow to penetrate for at least an hour.
  6. When finished, carefully remove the plastic for re-use and wash the area with baking soda and water (if desired) or gently rub the castor oil in to the surrounding skin.
  7. Use a new castor oil compress daily for 40 days to see results.

What Eating a Banana and an Avocado Every Day Can Do to Your Body

Both bananas and avocados are powerhouse fruits, containing large amount of vitamins and minerals. They are known for their wide range of he...