Needless to mention, long-term consumption of such food can seriously affect the function of your liver – the most important organ responsible for eliminating toxins from your body.
According to health experts, liver detox is something everyone should practice every now and then. By doing a liver detox, you don’t only remove harmful toxins that build up in your liver, but, you also improve the absorption of the proteins and their synthesis. In other words, a liver detox will boost overall liver function.
Detoxify your liver and improve its function with this recipe!
Diet plays a vital part in your liver health. Providing the liver with important nutrients through the food you consume is essential for maintaining proper liver function, especially if you know that liver disease can go unnoticed for quite long before it becomes more serious and harder to treat.
The best way to protect yourself against illnesses such as hepatitis or fatty liver is to cleanse your liver regularly.
This natural recipe is extremely beneficial for liver cleansing and it only uses a few easily available ingredients.
a handful of fresh mint leaves
some lemon juice (grate the rind as well)
some orange juice
1l filtered water
raw honey to taste
Bring the water to a boil then add the mint leaves. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Add the lemon and orange juice along with the grated lemon rind. In the end, add some honey to taste.
This amazing recipe will not only cleanse your liver but, it’ll also improve your digestion. Drink it hot or cold on a regular basis.