Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Amazing Recipe To Stop Your Hands From Revealing Your Age!

We all have to grow old eventually; it’s a natural process we all go through sooner or later. The first signs of aging are noticeable on our skin, wrinkles start appearing, fine lines around the eyes, enlarged pores, sagging skin on the face and neck. This is usually what we first notice, since the face is the center of our attention.

However, it’s not just the face that reveals our true age, our hands start transforming as well and can get in a bad shape because we hardly pay any attention to them. The skin on our hands is very thin and sensitive which is why it’s always the first to show the signs of aging. There is also very little fat on the back of the hands, so when collagen and elastin fibers begin breaking down, it’s quite noticeable. In combination with the damaging effects from the frequent dish washing and the exposure to the outside elements, you can imagine how our hands can suffer if not treated properly. That’s why it’s very important to care for our hands as much as we do for our face and hair, and maybe even more.

Just like you exfoliate your face to remove the dead skin cells you should exfoliate your hands as well. It will make the skin on your hands smooth and silky and remove the dead skin cells from the surface. But you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive cosmetic products, you can do this with some simple natural ingredients which you probably already have at home and we’ll show you exactly how.

Here’s the recipe:


  • Olive oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Brown sugar


All you have to do is mix the ingredients and apply this mixture on your hands, gently massaging the skin. Afterwards rinse them with some warm water and pat them dry.

Effective Home Remedies For Fat Loss Without Going To The Gym

Fat in the body that’s not used as energy is stored as fat reserves or deposits. The most critical areas on your body that accumulate fat include your abdomen, thighs and arms. Even though the market is loaded with weight loss supplements and products that promise miracles in weeks, these will only give short-term effects, if any. But, if you want to maintain your goal weight in the long run, these simple practices can do a world of difference.

#1 Drink Lots of Lime Water

Tart taste may not be everyone’s favorite, but it’s an amazing fat burner. Simply mix some lemon or lime juice into a cup of warm water without adding any sweeteners to stimulate the fat-burning process in your body and help digestion. All citrus fruits, especially lemons and limes, are packed with polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids, which are extremely effective when it comes to lipid metabolism. They are particularly beneficial for treatment of dyslipidemia, obesity, and atherosclerosis, among other things.

#2 Swap Some Meats for Soy

According to FDA, swapping animal protein for about 25 gm of soybean protein can reduce blood cholesterol levels. Some tempeh or tofu, or miso can be a great alternative to steak. Also, you can include more soy milk, soy cheese or soy yogurt into your daily diet.

#3 Include Some ACV into Your Diet

Similarly to lime juice, ACV can boost digestion, lower appetite, and reduce fat accumulation when mixed with a glass of warm water and drunk daily before main meals. In other words, apple cider vinegar is much more than a salad dressing. In fact, it’s a great weight-loss tool that can reduce your BMI, body weight, and waist circumference.

#4 Spice Up Your Life

Hot and spicy food such as chillies is much more than a spicy addition to your meals. The thing is capsinoids in red peppers increase fat metabolism meaning they stimulate burning of excess abdominal fat.

#5 Cardamom Kickstart

Cardamom is an amazing metabolism booster according to Ayurveda. This spice also reduces cholesterol levels and stimulates the fat burning process in the body. A study found that only 3 gr of cardamom powder daily can improve lipid profile.

#6 Turn To Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic remedy that naturally improves metabolism, cuts inflammation linked to excess weight, lowers stress and anxiety, and maintains cortisol levels in balancek. One way to use this herb is to crush the leaves or roots, mix them with water and consume. Alternatively, you can use it as a powder (churna) or as a supplement from an Ayurvedic practitioner.

#7 Get Exotic!

Curry leaves have been found extremely helpful in reducing blood cholesterol levels, while fenugreek seeds prevent fat buildup in the liver. You can add curry leaves to green smoothies or to your meals to spice them up. Fenugreek seeds are best soaked in warm water overnight then eaten plain in the morning. A spoonful a day is all you need. You can also consume them powdered and stirred into warm water.

The Secret to Back Pain is In Your Feet! Learn the 10 Exercises That Fix Everything!

Back pain is a very common problem that most of the people experience at some point of their life. Such pains can be triggered by different body postures, improper sitting, standing and many others and they can appear on a daily basis.

However, this article provides you an easy and very simple way to release your pain. It includes exercises that will help you remove pain in the back, knees and hip.

If you practice them more often, you won’t experience any problems.

These are the moves that will improve your balance and body posture, and relieve your pain.

Feet are one of the most important body parts that control your overall balance, body posture and some pains. They enable our movement throughout the day while withstanding some uncomfortable footwear. A suitable care of them will provide a prime condition of the whole body.

With aging our feet become deteriorated and painful so it is hard to walk. That’s the reason why one in three Americans fall suddenly and the risk of falling increases in the 80s and the 90s.

While walking, the pressure on each foot controls the balance of the rest of the body. Also, pain in one foot can put off your balanced walking or standing.

If you exercise on a regular basis, you will strengthen your muscles and keep a proper blood flow thus preventing any balance problems connected with age.

The balance relates to body posture and it involves a proper alignment of bones and muscles to keep your upright. If they are not aligned in the proper manner your body posture can out of balance.

According to a study, women who wear high heels have greater risk of experiencing pain in the lower back. This pain can cause problems with the posture and you have to undertake different methods to relieve the pain.

We’re going to show you a few simple exercises that will support your back muscles and posture and relieve the pain in your lower back.

– Toe Press

You should get a good warm up prior to engaging in any exercise. You may want to use toe press movements in order to get your body prepared and your blood flowing.

Stand straight up and then bend the knees slightly, so that you grab the floor with the toes. Practice this exercise for about 5 seconds and then do 10 repetitions. Practice this exercise 3 times on a daily basis for best results.

It Takes A Glass Of This And Your Liver Will Be Renewed!

Modern way of living leaves little time for a healthy well-balanced diet. As a result, most people turn to convenience or ready-made food, which is not only depleted in nutrients (due to the fact that it’s highly processed), but also full of harmful additives. Unless the produce is organic, even the fruit and vegetables you buy at the supermarket are laden with pesticides.

Needless to mention, long-term consumption of such food can seriously affect the function of your liver – the most important organ responsible for eliminating toxins from your body.

According to health experts, liver detox is something everyone should practice every now and then. By doing a liver detox, you don’t only remove harmful toxins that build up in your liver, but, you also improve the absorption of the proteins and their synthesis. In other words, a liver detox will boost overall liver function.

Detoxify your liver and improve its function with this recipe!

Diet plays a vital part in your liver health. Providing the liver with important nutrients through the food you consume is essential for maintaining proper liver function, especially if you know that liver disease can go unnoticed for quite long before it becomes more serious and harder to treat.

The best way to protect yourself against illnesses such as hepatitis or fatty liver is to cleanse your liver regularly.

This natural recipe is extremely beneficial for liver cleansing and it only uses a few easily available ingredients.


a handful of fresh mint leaves
some lemon juice (grate the rind as well)
some orange juice
1l filtered water
raw honey to taste


Bring the water to a boil then add the mint leaves. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Add the lemon and orange juice along with the grated lemon rind. In the end, add some honey to taste.

This amazing recipe will not only cleanse your liver but, it’ll also improve your digestion. Drink it hot or cold on a regular basis.

There Are 20 Pounds of Waste and Toxins in Your Gut. This Method Will Give You a Complete Bowel Cleanse!

As 80% of the immune system depends on proper digestion, colon cleansing is really important in order to maintain a healthy body.

Once ingested, food is broken down in the stomach and passed through the intestines in a process called digestion. Throughout this process, nutrients from the food are absorbed through the intestinal wall, and what’s left is waste that travels to the colon and rectum in order to be eliminated. However, things sometimes don’t run smoothly during this process, which leads to waste buildup in the colon, a condition known as fecal impaction of the colon.

This in turn makes your feces dry and immobile, which only further worsens their excretion from the body. Worst of all, these feces block the passage of new waste waiting to leave the body. And toxin or waste buildup in the body can seriously put your health at risk. To be more specific, this leads to misbalanced metabolism, kidney and liver disease, diabetes and last, but not least, cancer.

Although there are a number of colon-cleansing methods including laxatives, enemas or herbal remedies, as well as more aggressive ones such as colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy, most nutritionist support an effective colon cleansing method that’s completely natural and safe.


As unbelievable as it sounds, your intestines can hold up to 25 pounds of waste at any given time, depending on your diet, and your weight. This especially applies to the Standard American Diet which is mostly based on highly processed foods.
In order to completely cleanse your bowels of waste deposits, nutritionists highly recommend regular consumption of ground flaxseed, at a dosage of 1-3 tablespoons a day for a period of 20 consecutive days. This will help you restore your gut flora balance and improve overall digestive function.

How to include flaxseed in your diet?

The treatment is divided in 3 consecutive weeks.

Week 1#

Instead of breakfast, drink a mix of one tablespoon of ground flaxseed and 100ml kefir every day of the first week.

Week 2#

Drink a mix of 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and 100ml kefir every day of the second week.

Week 3#

Drink a mix of 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and 100ml kefir every day of the third week.

Never make this mixture in advance as it’s important to always consume it fresh.

To reap most benefits, also drink 2l water during the day.

Do the colon-cleansing treatment once a year.

How Ginger Destroys Prostate, Ovarian and Colon Cancer Better Than Chemo

The medicinal properties of ginger have been valued for centuries, and the ginger root has been used for treating Folk medicine has relied on the health benefits of ginger for hundreds of years.

There are many and healing various conditions and ailments. Moreover, numerous scientific studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of ginger.

However, it is becoming growingly popular due to its powerful anticancer effects. Namely, ginger contains several active compounds, such as gingerols, paradols, and shagaols, which have effective anticancer activity.

This was proven by a scientific study published in the Food and Chemical Technology Journal. These findings have been asserted once more by many other studies, which have used this initial research to highlight the activity of this beneficial root in the destruction of cancer cells in the treatment of colorectal, ovarian, and prostate cancer. Furthermore, experts claim that ginger is even more effective than chemotherapy.

Ginger destroys Ovarian Cancer Cells
The beginning of cancer can be properly examined with the help of angiogenesis. If the process gets obstructed in the initial stages, cancer is likely to be prevented.

According to a scientific study published in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine magazine, the compounds of the ginger root are able to inhibit the growth of the cancer cells.

These compounds have strong anti-angiogenic effects. This study has found that ginger root can be extremely effective in treating and preventing ovarian cancer.

Moreover, researchers from the University of Michigan have highlighted clinical trials to the ACA (American Cancer Association) which show the efficacy of ginger in the destruction of cancer cells.

Also, in this case, ovarian cancer cells are not able to become resistant to the effects of these compounds, unlike in the case of chemotherapy. Ginger is not toxic, causes no side-effects, and cannot trigger drug resistance, so it is more effective than conventional chemotherapy therapy.

Ginger Destroys Prostate Cancer Cells
The findings of a scientific study performed in the U.S., published in the Journal of Nutrition (UK edition) have indicated that the ginger extract obstructs the prostate cancer cells growth in both, women and men, but only in the case, they take about 100 mg of it per kilogram of body weight daily.

According to scientists, this extract is able to reduce the development of prostate cancer in more than half of the patients.

Therefore, the consumption of 100 grams of fresh ginger on a daily basis will give the same effects in men and women that weight around 70 kg. Also, this research has shown that ginger does not affect healthy cells.

Hence, these experts have summarized is unique as it provides data concerning in vivo and in-vitro anticancer effects of ginger extract in the case of prostate cancer. Moreover, ginger can provide better effects than standard chemotherapy since chemotherapy affects the healthy cells as well.

Ginger and Colorectal Cancer
The potential of ginger in the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer was mentioned for the first time 12 years ago, at a conference dedicated to Cancer Prevention Research.

Experts have suggested that there is sufficient evidence that this root is able to protect people from this type of cancer. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted and they have all provided proof that suggests the potential of ginger to destroy cancer.

Such study was published in the Journal of Nutrition a year ago, and researchers have found that despite its cancer-preventive properties, ginger can also eliminate newly created colorectal cancer cells. Hence, colorectal cancer patients can use ginger as an addition to their treatment.

Furthermore, recently there has been a growing number of studies which provide evidence that ginger protects against various cancer types, such as ovarian, prostate, and colorectal cancer.

Also, it is completely natural and mildly invasive treatment option compared to chemo, as it eliminates cancer cells, but does not affect healthy cells.

Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

Use This Spice to Fade Deep Facial Wrinkles Forever

Many people have heard of expensive and often painful wrinkle-reducing treatments such as Botox, dermal fillers, dermabrasion and chemical peels. But there’s a way to reduce the appearance of deep facial wrinkles in a way that’s easy, inexpensive and painless. It is a simple tea made of anise, a spice that’s easily found in many supermarkets and can even be grown in a pot on the windowsill.

What Is Anise?

Anise is an herb that’s native to the Mediterranean and is now grown in warm climates all over the world. It’s an annual, which means it lives for a season then dies after putting forth seeds. The plant grows to about 2.5 feet tall and is covered with fine hairs. The leaves are feathery, and both the leaves and the seeds have a distinct, sweet, licorice-like flavor. All parts of the plant can be used, including the oil and the roots.

The herb is not only used medicinally but in foods, where the fresh leaves are added to stews, sauces, salads, meats and soups. Anise seed is also used in baking, liqueurs and condiments. Vermouth, ouzo and anisette are spirits that are famously flavored with anise seed. Anise is also used to flavor candies and cookies.

The most important compound in anise is anethole, which has estrogen-like effects and is used to treat reproductive problems in both men and women. These effects are most likely what allows the anise tea to smooth away facial wrinkles. Anethole also has antimicrobial, antifungal and insecticidal properties. This also supports the health of the skin.

How to Make Anise Seed Tea

Making the tea is very easy. For medicinal strength tea, use one small tea ball packed with anise seeds, three cups of water and a teapot made of glass, earthenware or ceramic. Metal teapots should be avoided. Though tap water is acceptable, herbalists claim that distilled or pure spring water increases the strength of the tea.

Bring the water to a boil, remove from the heat, add the tea ball full of anise seeds and steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. The teapot should be tightly covered so the volatile oils don’t escape.

Let the tea cool, then strain it into a glass jar or other container. The tea can also be drunk while it’s still hot. The hot water releases the volatile oils in the anise seed, including the anethole. Hot herbal tea loosens toxins and makes them available to be flushed out of the body. Anethole also promotes the function of the liver, which is the organ responsible for removing toxins. Anethole treats the symptoms of stress and inflammation in the skin, which can lead to the dryness and loss of elasticity that can lead to wrinkles.

The tea should be used to wash the face in the mornings, with special attention paid to fine lines and facial  wrinkles. The user should see the wrinkles decline over some weeks and leave the skin smooth and supple.

This simple, inexpensive way to banish wrinkles should be part of the daily routine of every woman and man.

Senin, 02 Oktober 2017


Since your skin plays such an important role in protecting your body, you should keep it as healthy as you can. This will help you keep from getting sick or having damage to your bones, muscles, and internal organs.

Your skin is the organ that comes into contact with the rest of the world. It holds body fluids in, preventing dehydration, and keeps harmful microbes out—without it, we would get infections.

Your skin is full of nerve endings that help you feel things like heat, cold, and pain. If you couldn’t feel these things, you could get badly hurt and not even know it!

Skin also helps to regulate body temperature through the sweat glands. When the body becomes overheated, sweat glands give off moisture (perspiration), which cools the body as it evaporates.

As the body part responsible for the sense of touch, the skin works with the nervous system to alert the body to potential dangers by detecting pressure, pain, heat, and cold.

In any case, fortunately, there are a few nourishments which can be utilized to dispose of those spots and enhance skin`s appearance. These regular cures without a doubt have an immense effect, helping your skin successfully. Look at them!


Cucumbers are generally water, so they are powerful at hydrating and helping the skin. In the event that you have patches of staining on the skin, cucumbers are the proper thing for you!

Blend ground cucumbers with Aloe Vera gel and after that apply the blend specifically onto the skin. Rehash the technique to up to seven days or until the point that you see any obvious upgrades. Another alternative is to blend a ground cucumber with lemon juice and gram flour.

Once more, apply this glue for up to seven days.

Red Lentils
While red lentils are for the most part utilized in cooking, they go about as a successful skin-helping operator in the meantime. Being pressed with proteins, this cure will enable you to wipe out the dull composition and help the skin, making dim spots actually undetectable.

It can be additionally used to shed the skin and evacuate the dead cells developed on the skin`s surface.

For ideal outcomes, douse the lentils overnight and blend them with tomato juice and coconut in the morning. Keep the glue on the skin for up to 15 minutes and do this up to seven days.

In the event that you are searching for an approach to take out skin break out or help the irritating dim spots, look no more. Applying sandalwood onto the skin is outstanding amongst other approaches to help dull spots and address skin inflammation related injuries, scars, or imperfections.

For ideal outcomes, join sandalwood powder with rose water and lemon juice. Apply this glue onto the skin up to seven days.

Did you realize that yogurt can do wonders for your skin when used topically? This basic fixing sustains the skin, supplies it with imperative supplements, and lights up the dull spots.

It is prescribed to consolidate it with crude nectar earlier using it onto the skin. Give it a chance to labor for 10-15 minutes before cleaning it off. Rehash the technique consistently, for 7-10 days. Another choice is to blend it with lemon juice and cereal and utilize the blend as a facial veil.

At the point when utilized topically to light up the skin, it is smarter to utilize it as a powder. This technique guarantees to restrict the generation of melanin and helping the territories influenced by dim spots. You can even consolidate it with cold milk to make a simple relevant glue.

For ideal outcomes, apply it specifically onto the skin for no less than seven days. Another choice is to blend the powder with oats powder and water, making a successful peeling specialist.

Honey has been for quite some time utilized for beauty ceremonies, as far back as ancient circumstances. It is known for its helping properties, a capacity to battle microscopic organisms, and its rich saturating properties.

To blur dim spots, blend honey with lemon juice, almond oil, and milk powder. Apply the blend onto the skin and let it act for 15 minutes. Do this consistently, for 7-10 days.

While it`s a side-effect, sugar likewise offers some astounding skin-accommodating properties. It lights up the skin, however, it additionally can play out a decent peeling. Blend brown sugar with nectar to make a glue and rub it onto the face.

This blend helps expel dead cells from skin`s surface, animates blood dissemination, and blurs dim spots, as well. Reapply the application two times each week, for ideal outcomes.

To wrap things up, cereal is extraordinary compared to other skin brighteners, making dull spots less obvious and peeling the skin in the meantime. It is prescribed to consolidate it with buttermilk, rubbing the blend into the skin. Give it a chance to act for 2 minutes before cleaning it off.

Reapply the treatment a few times each week.

The Most Effective Way to Stop Your Migraine in an Instant

There’s no mild definition for migraines. For some people, it’s the worst nightmare one could ever have. Migraines are nothing like headaches.

As sufferers say, these are a lot worse. The pharmaceutical industry offers numerous solutions for the treatment of this debilitating ailment, but most of these come packed with dangerous chemicals.

Have you ever considered treating your migraine naturally? If you think that herbs or fruits can help you, you may want to think again. Our remedy is all-natural, and you will never ever reach for pricey drugs.

Sufferers describe migraines as series of recurrent headaches that block your mind, and everything you do is trying to find a way to stop the pain.

Migraines make you sensitive to everything around you. Even the slightest sunlight can make the pain even worse. Blind spots, flashes of light, tinging in the limbs, vomiting, and nausea are just some of the sensory warnings.

The treatment can sometimes require tons of patience. Prescription drugs have the power to relieve the symptoms of migraine, but it’s just a temporary relief.

These drugs are harmful to your health, and they do more harm than good. The worst thing is that the pain will always come back after the drug wears away.

The only side that benefits from prescription drugs is the pharmaceutical industry. It’s just a cycle in which you take one pill after another.

So, instead of reaching for a pain-killer, try our natural remedy. It’s made from high-quality salt, and we suggest that you use Himalayan pink salt.

This remedy will relieve your ache, strengthen your immune system, restore electrolytes, and create an alkaline environment in the body.

The second basic ingredient is lemon juice. Lemons have an incredible alkalizing effect. When combined with Himalayan pink salt, the citrus fruit is even more powerful.


  • ½ tsp. Himalayan pink salt
  • ½ lemon, juiced
  • 1 glass of water


All you have to do is stir your lemon juice and salt in the water, and drink your pain-relieving remedy. You should notice the first signs of improvement within a few minutes.

5 Soothing Essential Oils To Rub On Your Sciatic Nerve For Instant Pain Relief

The largest nerve in the human body, the sciatic nerve, stretches from the spine, down to the ankle and even the feet. Yet, it might get inflamed and lead to severe pain, tingling, and numbness.

This pain might also be a result of prolonged hours of sitting, improper body posture, heavy lifting, stress, pressure on the nerve, and a prolapsed disk in your spine.

Yet, numerous people have successfully relieved these symptoms with the help of yoga and stretching.

However, if you do not have much time, make sure you do at least the following: lie on the back with the knees drawn to the chest or supported by a chair and rest the head on a pillow. Repeat this every night, for 10 minutes.

Essential oils and herbs are extremely helpful in the case of sciatica pain as well.

They should be diluted in some carrier oil like jojoba, extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and grapeseed oil.

You should use the powerful mixture to massage the painful areas. After the massage, place a warm cloth over the affected places, to relax the muscles. Yet, make sure you do a patch test before you apply the essential oil, as they might irritate the sensitive skin.

The following essential oils would be your best choice to treat sciatica pain:

  • Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Juniper Essential Oil
  • Pepper Essential Oil
  • Mustard Oil

You can also try the following natural remedies to treat the pain in the sciatic nerve:

  • You can mix some of the essential oils we listed and add the combination to your bathwater, 10 drops in the case of sensitive skin, and 15 for normal skin.
  • Add fresh thyme or oregano to your bathwater
  • Nettle Tea
  • Saffron Tea
  • Celery Juice or tea

With the help of these natural tricks and remedies, you will soon enjoy your pain-free life!

A Remedy That Relieves Your Obstructed Colon and Removes Liver Fat!

Sometimes, we all prefer to stay at home and help ourselves with some homemade remedies, without the need to visit the doctor.

Those visits cost money, are time- consuming, and do not always provide the expected effects.

Researchers have found that the following natural remedy offers numerous health benefits, and its regular intake will boost overall health, so you no longer need to visit your doctor often!

The main ingredient of this natural miracle is beetroot, which is an extremely potent natural cure for numerous diseases and ailments. Beetroot supports the health of your bones, heart, and regulates blood pressure levels. Namely, it is high in nitrates and a gas, known as nitric oxide, which widen the arteries and thus lowers the blood pressure. Researchers have found that the daily intake of 500 grams of beetroot lowers the blood pressure in only 6 hours!

Beetroot also lowers bad cholesterol, as it is rich in flavonoids, soluble fibers, and betacyanin, which reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol and prevent the accumulation of cholesterol on the artery walls. Therefore, beetroot lowers the risk of stroke, heart diseases, and heart attacks.

This healthy vegetable treats osteoporosis, as the mineral silica in it enhances the calcium use by the body. This mineral boosts the health of the bones and teeth. Studies have shown that a glass of beetroot daily alleviates osteoporosis symptoms.

The numerous vitamins and minerals in beetroot support overall health and the proper function of body organs. It therefore treats and prevents numerous ailments.

The consumption of a glass of beetroot juice every day boosts mobility, treats various health issues, prevents diseases, eliminates fat deposits in the liver, and cleanses the colon.

Hence, it is definitely a great idea to incorporate this vegetable into your daily diet!

The following recipe contains all-natural, beneficial ingredients, and it strengthens the immune system and provides all the health benefits listed above. This is how to prepare it:

Immune Boosting Beetroot Juice Recipe


  • 1 medium beetroot
  • A slice of lemon
  • 3cm cube ginger
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 apple
  • A handful of fresh mint


Cut the listed ingredients into small pieces. Then, add them all into your juicer, and you will get a delicious, extremely healthy natural drink!


90% of weight loss is diet: these 10 foods will help you blast belly fat, lose weight, and keep it off for good

What you put in your body matters.

A successful weight process heavily depends on nutrition.  Specifically, 80-90 percent of the success or failure is attributed to the foods you consume. Hence, if you are to get rid of the excess pounds and stay healthy at the same time, you need to incorporate healthy and weight-loss promoting foods in your daily diet. While the word diet is often associated with depriving of certain foods items, the truth is that all of them are important and there is a reason why you need them in your diet.  Here are the best foods to use to lose weight, blast belly fat, and stay healthy. Check them out!

1. Avocado
Avocados have relatively low sugar content, compared to fruits like apples or pears.  According to a study done by the Nutrition Journal, those who eat half a fresh avocado daily reduced their appetite and cravings by 40 percent for a few hours

Being rich in monounsaturated fats which act as energy-boosters, avocado can be used as replacement for store bough pre-workout supplements. Not only it boosts energy, but it keeps the metabolism running optimally even after you are done with the workout.

2. Beans and Legumes
Beans and legumes are ideal weight –loss tool, since they are packed with both fiber and protein. These nutrients leave you with a full feeling even a few hours after a meal, but also help regulate blood sugar levels. Consequently, they protect against hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.  Optimizing the micro-organisms balance is yet another benefit of these foods.

3. Berries
Eating berries is a good way to satisfy your sweet tooth, without any guilt.  They are low in calories and in sugar when compared to other fruits, which makes them good allies in any weight loss process. However, make sure you don’t add any sugars in them and think it is healthy!

4. Pear and Apple
Both pear and apple are low in calories but high in fiber content, which helps them make you full for an extended period of time, without eating too much of them. A small pear contains about 86 calories while a medium-sized apple has around 95 calories, which is 5 percent of the recommended healthy intake.

In one study, 49 women aged 30-50 years were given either apples and pears or oat cookies. At the end of the study it was found that those adding these fruits to their daily diet lost weight while the second group didn’t notice any improvement.

5. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is one of the best foods for losing weight and burning fat, as it acts as hunger suppressant and it is known as negative calorie food. In other words, it takes more calories to digest it than it actually contains, which stimulates the process of burning fat. In addition to this, grapefruit regulates insulin level, which in turn helps prevent accumulation of fat in the critical parts of the body.

6. Whole Grains
Despite the controversies regarding whole grains, it has been scientifically proven that as long as the right kind is eaten in moderation, it does offer a wide array of health benefits. According to researchers at Wake Forrest University, those who eat 2.5 servings daily reduced their risks of cardiovascular disease by up to 21 percent.

The best sources of whole grains include barley, wild rice, whole grain cord, whole oats, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and sorghum.

7. Salmon
Salmon is packed with nutrients that help regulate weight indirectly. Specifically, it is rich in omega-3 fats, (4,023mg per 178 grams of salmon), a nutrient that boosts mood and improves brain function. These fats also improve digestion, promote fluid balance, lower the risk of obesity, and reduce inflammation in the body. It has been scientifically shown that salmon is also loaded in proteins and amino acids that impact insulin, thus affect metabolism and weight.

8. Grapes
Grapes contain phytonutrients like popyphenol and phenols, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent obesity and metabolic diseases. Polyphenols have been also shown to protect against fructose-induced oxidative stress and improve insulin sensitivity.

As grapes are high in fructose and calories, it is recommended to limit their consumption to a cup of them on a daily basis. As you can see, the portion size is the key!

9. Sweet Potato
In its raw form, sweet potato is high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients, both of which offer benefits for the heart, digestive system, and the eyesight.  Sweet potato has lower glycemic index than the ordinary potato and it helps improve blood sugar levels, despite the fact that it is starchy. Its fiber content improves digestion and gives enough time to the body to convert starches into simple sugars.

10. Green Tea
Did you know that green tea is one of the best weight-loss beverages out there? Given that Japanese and Chinese consume this tea on a regular basis, the fact that there are hardly any obese people in Japan and China doesn’t come as surprise.

Green tea contains caffeine and EGCG or Epigallocatechin gallate, both of which aid weight loss. While green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, the amount is still enough to boost aerobic performance and burn fat.


 Not only does it affect your mood and energy, but it can save your life.

We now know that most cancer is lifestyle generated and can be prevented. Oncologists approximate almost 70 percent of cancers can be changed by diet alone.

So yes, the good news is that we can show you how to improve your health and decrease your risk of cancer by adjusting your diet a little. That said, we highly recommend that you avoid the following 8 foods altogether:

1. Refined Sugar
The biggest cancer causing food (by far) is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other refined sugars. Even brown sugar is highly refined white sugar with some of the removed molasses added back in for flavor and color.

 of cancer cells. Since the majority of the sugar supply in the U.S. is made using genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets, a healthier option is organic honey, coconut sugar, or maple sugar.

Now that oncologists are using diabetes medication to fight cancer cells, there’s no doubt (finally) that those mutated cancer cells love sugar.

2. Farmed Salmon
Sure, it’s cheaper than the wild-caught stuff, but farmed salmon has higher levels of potentially cancer-causing contaminants.

On average, farmed salmon has 16 times the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in wild salmon, four times the levels in beef, and 3.4 times the PCBs found in other seafood, the Environmental Working Group reports.

Instead, “choose wild-caught salmon and bake it with heart-healthy olive oil, ” suggests Steven G. Eisenberg, DO, an oncologist at the California Cancer Associates for Research and Excellence in San Diego.

Salmon is rich in healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids, and when consumed in place of a high-fat protein source, it can help control weight. “Obesity is a major risk factor for many cancers.” Other cancer-fighting foods can also help.

3. Alcohol
Dr. Eisenberg is a teetotaler. In fact, he hasn’t had so much as a sip of alcohol since his college days. “The research linking alcohol to cancer risk is strong,” he says.

Clear patterns have emerged between alcohol consumption and the development of head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast, and colon cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute.

“Numerous studies have examined the association between alcohol consumption and the risk of other cancers, including cancers of the pancreas, ovary, prostate, stomach, uterus, and bladder,” Dr. Eisenberg adds, noting that they’ve found either no association or that the evidence is inconsistent.

If you’re not ready to go completely dry, cutting back can be a good small step. These tips can make limiting alcohol easier.

4. Processed Meat
Sausages, bacon, hot dogs, bologna, pimento loaf, prosciutto—these processed meats contain various chemicals and preservatives, including sodium nitrates, which make them look appealing and fresh but can become carcinogenic when exposed to high heat or conditions of high acidity.

Smoked meats are particularly dangerous, as the meat picks up tar from the smoking process. (You might remember tar as the deadly ingredient contained in cigarettes).

In a study published in the Journal of BMC Medicine, researchers wrote that the excessive salts and chemicals used to make processed meats are dangerous to health.

Study participants who ate 160 grams or more of processed meats increased their risk of early death as much as 44 percent within 12 years, as opposed to those who ate 20 grams or less.

5. Hydrogenated Oils
Hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils, which cannot be naturally extracted like olive oil, soy or canola oil, they must be chemically removed.

They are commonly used in many foods in your pantry to preserve and keep their shelf life, yet they are also linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease and many other fatalities. NEVER cook with hydrogenated oils and check your labels for healthy oils like olive, soy and canola instead.

6. Dairy
Although calcium is great for bone strength, experts are discovering a link between high calcium intake and the development of prostate cancer. This is because calcium-rich dairy products can lower your body’s count of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.

This hormone is known to actively protect men against prostate cancerous cells, so, by lowering your body’s natural count, you’re raising the chances of the cancer’s development.

In a study conducted by the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, an evident link between high consumption of dairy and calcium products and the development prostate cancer was discovered.

Results showed that the men with the highest consumption rates of dairy were more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who consumed less.

7. White Flour
When flour is refined, all nutritional value is removed. Then it’s bleached with chlorine gas to make it more appealing to consumers. The glycemic index for white flour is very high – meaning it spikes your insulin levels without providing nutritional fuel.

Carbohydrates are converted to sugars by your body, so excessive products that contain white flour can lead to increased insulin resistance. Simple sugars (like refined carbohydrates) are the preferred fuel source for cancer.

8. Artificial Sweeteners
Dr. Bonta won’t even keep artificial sweeteners in the house due to potential cancer risk. Dr. Eisenberg takes a more cautious approach to the use of sugar substitutes; choosing plant-based, no-cal Stevia instead of the sweeteners typically found in the blue, pink, and yellow packets.

“Research into the potentially toxic effects of other artificial sweeteners is under way, so why not use something natural until we have sound research?” he asks. “We don’t know what we will find out in the next 10 years.” Here’s what happens to your body when you go cold turkey on fake sugars.


Baking soda can prove to be exceptionally amazing and effective ingredient for overcoming health problems through a very inexpensive rate.


As many people, you need to be aware that baking soda is superbly effective and cheap method for overcoming variety of health ailments. Baking soda is often used as a beauty product, in the kitchen, when cleaning the house etc. However, women love it as a beauty remedy.

Acne treatment using baking soda

The most popular natural method that you can go with that can remove acne is by using baking soda. You can also use baking soda to make stubborn acne as well as scars to disappear. Furthermore, the baking soda solution can help you shed your skin thus encourage skin growth. Many people have found great achievements using baking soda on its own.


Add one teaspoon of baking soda on a small plate and add a drop of water in it. Mix the ingredients well. Keep in mind that adding too much water will turn the resulting mixture into a liquid and you will not be able to exfoliate the skin.

Put some of the mixture on your fingers and gently massage your scars and acne with it. Let the mixture to act on the skin for couple of minutes. The mixture should become hard as the water slowly evaporates.

Wash the area well after the treatment.

Tip: You are allowed to repeat the process each night before going to bed.

Remove bags under the eyes and dark circles

One of the most efficient face masks contains baking soda. For that reason, by applying the following recipe you will be able to get rid of dark circles around your eyes. The most delicate face skin is located in the under-eye area and it is most difficult to work with. If you want to save your skin you need to replace the chemical-laden facial soaps you use with homemade cleanser made of baking soda.


Add one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of tea or hot water. Mix the ingredients well. Dip two cotton wools in the mixture and put them on the skin under the eyes. Let the mixture act for 15 minutes. Remove the cotton wools and wash your face after the treatment. Apply the moisturizing cream you use and be the witness of the results for yourself!

Treat yourself with the variety of nature’s amazing gifts. Because of the numerous health condition out there that baking soda is offering, it can help you with million ways to go through any ailments and will keep you alive, healthy and positive each and every day. Baking soda is just one of the ingredients that can truly help you, you just need to explore the possibilities of the natural medicine.


Onions are a natural cure for many health problems. It is the best remedy for severe vomiting and as a general antibiotic that can boost your immune system.

The onion is from the allium family and is rich in sulfur providing the onion with its antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Onion is also extremely high in antioxidant Querectin which helps the body to fight free radicals.

Natural Cures. Respiratory conditions respond well to onion juice as it is a great expectorant. Onions are good for cholesterol levels, heart, arthritis, a great antioxidant, and good for diabetes due to its flavonoid and sulfur compounds. Onions have been used as a standard treatment for thousands of years.


Breakup chest congestion- Crush an onion within coconut oil. Coat the chest with onion paste and cover the chest with a dish towel then a shirt.

Cicol- Cherokee Indian recipe for colic babies: Boil a small amount of diced yellow onion in water. Let the onion cool in the water then drain. Feed a teaspoon of the onion tea to the baby every hour until the baby appears to have some relief.

•Ear pain/infection– Chop onion and put them into a thin sock and tie the sock closed. Place the flattened onion sock over the troubled ear and cover the head/ear/sock with a hat to hold the sock in place. Remove when pain is gone.

Cuts- The transparent film of the onion skin will stop moderate bleeding immediately. It also acts as an antiseptic for the wound.

Cough- Peel a large onion and slice in half. Cover the face of each onion with 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and cover the onions for one hour. The sugar/onion relish should be taken twice a day to help with the cough.

Fever- Slice an onion into thin slices. Rub the bottom of the feet with coconut oil. Put a thin slice into the arch of each foot and wrap with cling wrap. Cover the onion/feet with sock over night to allow the onion to draw out toxins and the illness from the body.

Cleanse the air- Place slices of onion on plates throughout your house to purify the air of viruses and bacteria.

Vomiting- Grate 1 white or yellow onion. Press the onion juice from the onion wrapped in a cheesecloth. Brew a strong cup of peppermint tea and let it cool. Drink 2 teaspoons of the onion juice and wait 5 minutes. Drink 2 teaspoons of the cool peppermint tea and wait 5 minutes. Repeat both the onion juice and peppermint tea until the symptoms subside. Vomiting should stop immediately and the nausea should go away within 15 minutes.


  • Rub a cut onion on you to repel bugs
  • Onion juice rubbed into your hair promotes growth
  • Onion juice repels moths
  • Boiled and cooled onion juice sprayed onto plants repels pests
  • Rub an onion slice into the face of an iron to prevent rusting
  • Polish copper and glassware with an onion slice
  • Rub a cut onion on you to prevent freckling

The Native Americans have used onion to treat colds and flu for centuries. Even the World Health Organization has recognized the ability of onion to relieve coughs, congestion, bronchitis and respiratory infections.


Many health experts claim that the breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which is why it should always include healthy dietary choices.

The breakfast we recommend below is one of the healthiest you can think of. Aside from keeping you full until lunch, it provides numerous health benefits including:

  • it stimulates weight loss;
  • It improves your immune system function;
  • It improves your body’s defense mechanism against viral and bacterial infections;
  • It improves your hair quality.

On the plus side, it’s very simple to make.


2 oatmeal
1 cup (250ml) organic kefir (low-fat yogurt is fine too)
1 tsp. cocoa powder
1 tsp. milled flaxseed
5-7 fleshy plums


This breakfast is made in the evening and consumed the next morning.

Start by placing the plums in a bowl and covering them with about 100ml boiling water. Cover the bowl and leave it aside for about ten minutes. In a separate bowl, mix the oatmeal, cocoa and flaxseeds. Add the kefir and stir well for the ingredients to blend.

Remove the water from the soaked plums and chop them nicely. Add the plums to the previous mixture. Using a food processor, blend all the ingredients until you get puree.

Refrigerate the mixture.

In the morning, your breakfast will be ready to eat. If you eat this breakfast on a regular basis, you’ll start feeling the amazing health benefits in a few days. Don’t worry if you get a strange feeling in your stomach on the first day; it’s completely normal and it’ll soon wear off.

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017

Use This Lotion And You Will Never Get Any Wrinkles On Your Skin!

Wrinkles and exceptional strains on face are as a result of the loss of collagen from the pores and skin that forms the help shape of the skin cells.

Although getting old is inevitable and unavoidable, there are natural treatments consisting of this extremely good anti-getting old cream which could delay the technique and look of the signs and symptoms of ageing.

This might be the only anti-growing older cream that you may easily make at home and use regularly. To make this cream, you may need following ingredients:

1 Ripe Banana
1 Medium length ripe Tomato
1 Teaspoon Aloe Vera Gel
cast off the peel of ripe banana and reduce the pulp in small portions.
pro Tip: when you have zits for your pores and skin, take a small piece of banana peel. crush it and practice the juice on Pimple.

Now do away with the seeds from tomato and squeeze the juice from closing pulp. Squeeze 2 teaspoon juice and add it in banana pieces. Now Take 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel and blend it with the banana pulp.

Now you have to mash the banana pulp and make a thick paste from it. practice this paste on your face and allow it sit down for 25-half-hour in your pores and skin. After that wash your face as regular with heat water.

4 Ways to Use ALOE VERA to Whiten Your Skin Naturally and Fast! A Must-Try!

A lot of people consider having a radiant skin is the first step in becoming more beautiful. And let’s admit it — skin complexion plays a big part in people’s concept of beauty, whether psychologically or otherwise. For this reason, a skin whitening products sell like hotcakes in the market today.

While some commercial whitening creams, soaps and lotions can be effective, they may cause side effects because of the chemicals they contain. These side effects may not be experienced overnight but in the long run, your skin might be damaged instead of getting fairer and more radiant.

If you want to have whiter skin without worrying about the potential harm you could get, the natural solution is always better. This is where aloe vera enters the picture.

The first thing you probably think about aloe vera is its soothing effect on the skin. Aloe vera can moisturize the skin, so you get rid of dry areas naturally. This plant has great amounts of antioxidants, making it one of the best skin lighteners from nature.

How to Use Aloe Vera to Whiten Skin

The good news is there are a lot of ways to use the aloe vera plant to lighten your skin tone. Here are some of them:

#1: With Papaya
Papaya is the star of many skin whitening products nowadays because of its efficacy and exfoliating properties. However, those products can contain harmful chemicals so use this natural solution instead. Mix papaya with aloe vera gel and use as a mask. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse. You can achieve what papaya beauty products can give without the undesirable health effects.

#2: With Milk

Aloe vera, along with milk, is an effective way to have lighter skin. Simply mix aloe vera with milk cream and then apply it on your skin.

#3: With Milk and Honey

Incorporate honey with milk and aloe vera to have whiter skin that is deeply hydrated. Apply the mixed ingredients in equal amounts on your skin and leave it for some time before rinsing.

#4: With Sugar

Sugar scrubs are prevalent in beauty stores nowadays. These products exfoliate your old, dark skin to reveal that beautiful glow. However, they normally contain chemicals, which can cause skin problems in the future. Instead of using them, create your own sugar scrub by mixing two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and brown sugar. Apply it on the desired area and rinse just like you would with sugar scrubs.

The answer to a lighter skin does not always lie on the shelves inside beauty stores. Most of the time, you can find them in your kitchen or – in the case of aloe vera – in your garden. While whitening chemicals can be effective, prolonged use can be the cause of unwanted side effects to the user. This is just one of the many reasons why going “au naturel” is still the best for you – whether it is for protecting your health or just your beauty problems.

Top 10 Alkaline Foods That Can Lower the Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease! Very Important!

There is plenty of research showing the link between pH and cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and doesn't survive in an normal, more alkaline environment. Cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid. So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and your body is too acidic.

Taking action to make your body more alkaline is vital in the battle against cancer. Unfortunately the majority of the foods and drinks we consume are acidic, such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. So unless you have been eating a very healthy diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables, your body is way too acidic, thus creating a very good environment for cancer to grow in.

On the other hand, other recent studies concluded that alkaline diet does great effects in protecting the heart, particularly the arteries.

Top 10 Alkalizing Foods to Fight Against Cancer and Heart Diseases

#1: Bananas
Consume banana on a daily basis if you want to lose weight faster. This fruit can actually balance the blood sugar levels, as well as to protect the heart and improve digestion. Furthermore, it is packed with fiber and nutrients such as potassium, manganese, Vitamins B, and even magnesium.

#2: Melon
The impact of the melon on the human body is extremely amazing because it clears out the toxins from the body and at the same time, you will be continuously hydrated.

#3: Cauliflower
This kind of food can actually make the heart healthy and it also contain anti-inflammatory properties that is needed by the body. A serving of this vitamin gives at least 78% of the daily requirement of Vitamin C of the body.

#4: Olive Oil
This has the ability to regulate the level of the blood sugar, as well as to lessen the chance of having cardiovascular disease. It is packed with Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants.

#5: Lemons
The lemon juice has the ability to decrease the chance of stroke, and it can also assist in treating kidney stones. Another positive side is that it aids in fighting against cancer, prevents both of constipation and high blood pressure.

#6: Spinach
Spinach can actually get rid of the free radicals; it can also improve your memory and make your heart strong because it contains a huge amount of antioxidants. In addition, it has the ability to stimulate the functions of your brain.

#7: Flaxseed
It is safe to consume this seed because it assists in controlling hot flashes in the menopausal stage and it also aids in the reduction of inflammations. It is one of the top alkaline foods because of its fibrous properties, antioxidants and even Vitamin E. It is recommended to utilize it for almost a daily basis. You can also grind flaxseed and add it to your meals.

#8: Quinoa
It has the ability to help both of the cholesterol and blood sugar level in the body. It is the food that is richest in protein when it is compare to other kinds of grains because it has twice the amount of fiber as theirs.

#9: Buckwheat
This is not just an ordinary kind of wheat due to its ability to improve the entire health, boost your energy, as well as to prevent diabetes. It can also keep your body warm and it is a great source of vitamins, proteins and even iron.

#10: Swiss Chard
It can actually assist with the blood sugar and also to improve the health of the heart, as well as the blood circulation. It aids the body to get rid of the viruses, harmful bacteria, and even free radicals. Moreover, it is the packed with alkali that is essential for people.

What Eating a Banana and an Avocado Every Day Can Do to Your Body

Both bananas and avocados are powerhouse fruits, containing large amount of vitamins and minerals. They are known for their wide range of he...