This can be triggered by:
- Lifestyle, bad diet, no workouts, tobacco
- Genes
- Infections
- Environment exposure to chemicals or radiation
Studies say that a bad diet and being inactive can make the risk of cancer bigger.
The World Cancer Research Fund said that almost 20% of the American cancer cases link to bad diets, and no activity, weight gain and alcohol.
But, like with other issues, cancer can be prevented. Lower the risk by:
- Having a healthy diet with veggies and fruits
- Stop smoking
- Exercise
- Have good body weight
The list of the worst 8 foods that cause cancer:
1. Refined and sugary foods
We all know that foods with refined sugar and fructose like corn syrup can lead to many health problems. So, these foods raise the insulin and this makes cancer cells grow more. In 2006, American Society for Clinical Nutrition journal said that people who ate lots of sugars had more chance of pancreas cancer. So, limit these foods and opt more for honey, stevia, maple syrup, molasses and jiggery.
2. Red processed meats
Many harmful additives are in this meat; bacon, ham, sausage and more. Also this meat has loads of salt. The Nutrition and Cancer journal said in a study that excess meat like this can cause colorectal cancer. There is more; red meat also raises the risk of colorectal AND prostate cancer. Remove such meats and eat grass-fed meats.
3. Smoked/pickled food
Regular eating of such foods is not good. Smoking process for the meats leaves toxins in the meat and this is unhealthy. Also, pickled foods have nitrates that change to N-nitroso and this triggers cancer. Also, such foods have bunch of preservatives too. This is for the long shelf-life. Excess of this can damage our cells and cause cancer.
4. White flour
These days many foods are made with this flour. But, refined flour has too much carbs and this is unhealthy. Studies claimed that women who ate lots of carbs had more risk of breast cancer and such flour raised the sugar levels in the blood fast. Replace this flour with quinoa, whole wheat, barley and almond flour.
5. Hydrogenated oils
These oils change to poisons when processed. They are from veggies to make the shelf life longer and they have omega 6 acids and trans fats too. Even a bit of omega 6 can be healthy, BUT too much of these acids damages the cells and their health. it raises risk of skin cancer the most. Also, trans fats make more risk of colorectal, breast and prostate cancer. Replace them with coconut, palm and olive oil.
6. Microwave popcorn
There is a chemical perfluorooctanoic acid in these bags for popcorn? This is a bad toxin. Many studies said this is harmful and also people who had PFOA exposure had more chances if kidney and bladder cancer. Another study said that this chemical causes female infertility. Sadly, these popcorn also have GMOs like propyl gallate.
7. Farmed salmon
Wild and farmed salmon are different a lot. Unlike the farmed one, the wild is healthy and beneficial. Also farmed salmon makes more cancer risks. Science Magazine made a study where was said that too much salmon chemicals cause the cancer. Some such items are mercury, toxaphene, dioxins, flame retardants and even polychlorinated biphenyls. At least see the labels for the salmon and remember, farmed one is cheaper!
8. Potato chips
These chips are made with really high heat and this creates acrylamide, carcinogen. International Journal of Cancer stated that these chips have an item that triggers ovary, prostate, breast and digestive cancers. We all know these chips have loads of calories, fats and salt and this causes obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol.
Make your own chips with olive oil and good organic potatoes.
Also, try baking apple and banana chips!