Flat tummy water is a term given to infused water drinks to help improve your health, detox your system, and help you lose weight.The benefits of drinking weight loss water are derived from their water content and the infusion of natural ingredients to give your metabolism a boost. You can make your own flavored weight loss water very easily at home. All you need is a good source of clean water, a large glass container, and plenty of delicious herbs, fruits, and vegetable to create your delicious detox drink.
1. Flat tummy water with lemon
Lemons can help in your fight against weight gain and may help you get a flatter tummy quicker so lemon water can help you lose weight faster.
Recipe: The easiest way to make a quick lemon detox water drink for weight loss is to squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water. Drink this every morning to make a refreshing start to your day and help rid your body of toxins.
Alternatively, you can make a flat tummy water pitcher with these ingredients:
1 lemon sliced or cut into thin wedges
15 sliced strawberries
5 fresh mint leaves
2. Flat tummy water recipe with cucumber
Recipe: This delicious flat tummy detox drink incorporates many of the ingredients mentioned in this article. You will need:
- 6 cups (1.5 l) filtered water
- 3 cm of freshly grated ginger root
- 1 cucumber, peeled and sliced.
- 1 lemon thinly sliced
- 1/2 cup mint leaves
Add all the ingredients to the pitcher, allow to infuse overnight, and drink regularly throughout the day to help boost your weight-loss program.
3. Ginger flat tummy water
Because of ginger’s many medicinal and beneficial properties, it is often used in infused detox water drinks.
- 5 cm ginger root
- 4 cups filtered water
- 2 tablespoons of organic orange juice
- Some honey to taste
First of all, grate or chop the ginger and put in a pan with the water. Bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 5 minutes with the lid covered. When the ginger infusion has cooled, add the honey and orange juice.You can drink the ginger detox weight loss drink hot or cold to help give your body and metabolism a boost.
For best results, you should consume flat tummy water concoctions regularly throughout the day. The beauty of these weight-loss drinks is that you can try different drinks and change the ingredients to get one that you love.
Drink one cup of flavored water first thing in the morning to give their metabolism a boost.
Consume one glass of infused water for weight loss 20-30 minutes before a meal to reduce appetite craving