Dear friends, let me differentiate you the truth, starvation does not aid in losing weight, it induces weight gain. Yes, starvation forces a person to eat more than needed in just a single time. Thus, it contributes to weight gain, inactiveness, low blood pressure and many other health issues.
So, for losing the weight naturally and in the most amazing way, you can try these superfoods that will aid in weight loss. The thing is that, you will not be starved or feel hungry but while eating these super foods you can be rest assured that you will be losing weight and no more extra calories. How awesome that can be?
8 Best Indian Foods to lose weight effortlessly at home
Beans and legumes
Some beans and legumes help in shedding weight. Black beans, kidney beans, chickpea and other lentils. These contain lots of proteins that keep a person full for long hours. This leads to good diet supplement with weight loss. Try to eat all beans and legumes boiled or fried in very less oil to get desirable results.
Broccoli is a great source of calcium, fiber and proteins. It is a must eat veggie that is tasty to eat and easy to digest. It increases metabolism rates, which burns calories easily and faster. You can eat them boiled or tossed with some olive oil. Boiled broccoli can be used in salads or in the white plain rice. Just mix small pieces of boiled broccoli and some beans and they will taste amazing.
You may heard about oats and its benefits. Oats are whole grain which is terrific for the cholesterol reduction. Oats are rich in fiber that aids digestion and boosts immune system. They are low fat chunks can be consumed with milk or spices like an easy to cook noodles. Oats are easily found in the market. Go grab it and eat regularly in the breakfast and evening snack to lose weight. You can mix a handful of oatmeal in the milk and eat it every morning to kick start your day. Oats will also kill that sluggish feeling that you get by eating fatty and high in cholesterol food items.
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetable can be awesome to add to your salads. They can be wonderful in increasing your eye sight, immunity and glow on the face. Vegetables like spinach, cabbage, cauliflower are rich in iron, calcium and fiber. It prevents hunger and over eating too, because it makes the stomach full quickly. Add green leafy veggies in your diet plan and make sure you eat it constantly. This is also a great food for glowing skin.
Soya bean
Soya bean is the protein power food. It is rich in proteins, potassium, vitamin-A and vitamin-C, vitamin-D, Vitamin-B6 and fiber. It helps in building up the health of a person and induces weight loss. You can eat it by making veggie, boiled, or stuffed in kebabs and parantha. Or you may simply add the soya bean to the plain rice or make a pulao out of them and other vegetables like paneer, broccoli, beans etc.
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is one of the favorite food of the people. It is a dairy product that consist of high amounts of protein, calcium and fiber. It is also low fat, which means you can enjoy a full meal with it and won’t regret later. Eat it in a salad tossed with some olive oil or make a veggie with very less oil. You can also have it raw added with some seasonings.
Egg is a great breakfast for people who are not strictly vegetarian. The protein rich food will not just taste good but will also help you lose weight. Eggs are enriched with high proteins and fiber that are essential for weight loss. It will also keep you active, rejuvenated and fresh all the day. Eggs are also healthy food for hair loss, hair fall and hair growth.
Soya paner(tofu)
Soya paneer is a good remedy for weight loss. It is a little sour in taste, but full with nutrients and benefits. It is a good source of proteins, calcium, fiber and low fats. However, regular intake of tofu reduces heart diseases and low immune system. It also helps in giving a good skin. So, there is no reason to leave this super food for weight loss.