Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017


If you have some moles on your body or face that are bothering you and you want them gone, there is no need to spend a lot of money on mole removal surgeries because there is a completely natural and easily affordable homemade ingredient that will help you.

Moles are benign tumors of the connective tissue and they are tiny, soft nodules on the skin. Almost every person has at least one mole. The problem about moles is that when they are in areas of the body that are frequently exposed to touching, you can easily damage them, which further leads to infection, spreading of the mole, bleeding, etc.

The number and size of moles increases with age, however, the reason for their occurrence is still unknown. Luckily, ACV has the power to remove moles without any complications or scarring.

With the help of water and soap, gently wash the area surrounding the mole. Hold a cotton ball previously soaked in water onto the mole for 15 minutes and then dry the area. Afterwards, soak another cotton ball in ACV and place it onto the mole and put on a band-aid. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse the area carefully.

Repeat the procedure 3 times per day for one week or more, if needed. If the mole isn’t deep in the skin, and if you’re doing the method carefully, there shouldn’t be any scarring. Avoid using ACV to remove moles around the eyes as ACV can irritate the eyes.

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