Moreover, by drinking it, you will remove all waste from the body and thus, better your overall health. This powerful natural remedy prevents retention and significantly betters the brain health and function. Let’s take a look at the recipe:
You will need:
A tsp of organic honey
A cup of fresh grapefruit juice
2 tsp of apple cider vinegar
Preparation: Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend them for a few minutes until you get a homogenous mixture.
Use: Consume a cup of the mixture before lunch or dinner for a period of one week.
The benefits of the ingredients
Grapefruit is a low-calorie fruit, around 53 calories per serving. Studies have shown that consumption of half a grapefruit per day can speed up the fat burning process and thus, alleviate weight loss. Additionally, vinegar betters the digestion and lowers the amount of time fat spends in digestive tract. When fat remains too much, it attracts even more fat and can cause all kinds of problems. Last but not least, honey contains natural sugar and vitamins and nutrients. Honey is a much better sweetener than crystallized sugar which contains empty calories.